


Hexa prefix & suffix

Tylwen opened this issue · 11 comments



How to put the hexadecimal color directly in a prefix or a suffix?



So we can not have RGB / HEX Prefixes with LuckPerms AND Herochat? Or are there any examples?


It is like Emily already said.
LuckPerms literally gives raw data to other plugins, such as chat and tablist. For LuckPerms, a prefix is literally a "random" combination of letters and numbers such as &7[&4Owner&7]. LuckPerms itself is in no way responsible for the display of the prefix. So all LP does is give this combination of numbers and letters to your chat/tablist/scoreboard plugin, depending where you display the prefix and/or suffix.
Having that said, LP will take ANYTHING as prefix, even something really stupid like {ijfdfksnjniu343dff}. Of course nobody would do that, but technically you can.
So going from here on: You can use any format in your prefixes and suffixes, but if that is being displayed and intepreted correctly depends on what the third party plugins you display the prefix in, allow.
It gets difficult when you mix plugins which take different formats. Let's just say you have a chat plugin that takes &#rrggbb as hex format. Then obviously you can use this hex format in your prefixes and suffixes. Now let's also imagine you add a scoreboard or tablist plugin in which you want to display the prefix, but this plugin asks for a different hex format such as §r§r§g§g§b§b. Here is where you will get problems. You cannot set two different prefixes 'based on where the prefix is being displayed'. If you were to do the above plugin combination, in chat the hex prefix would work, but not in your tablist or scoreboard due to the different format of hex these plugins can read - or can't.
Hope that clears the confusion.


I have tried these methods before but the color does not apply. it literally writes it


Its {#RRGGBB} mostly


just write it in front of where you want it to apply. lp user <name> meta setprefix 100 &#00ff00Prefix

The &# that I use is determined by the chat plugin. Some chat plugins have different required prefixes to parse hex.


So why are classic colors applied directly to LP? It doesn't make sense that there isn't a way that the hex applies directly


Luckperms only can send prefix info to plugins, we don't touch formatting whatsoever.


It means either your chat plugin uses a different format for RGB, or it doesn't support it at all. It not up to LP to show RGB colours of prefix/suffix in chat, but rather its your chat plugin's job.


Same here


LuckPerms does not format prefixes/suffixes nor does it display them in chat/tab/tags/scoreboard, it's totally up to the chat/tab/tags/scoreboard plugin you use on your server to format the prefix/suffix accordingly, so you have to use the RGB format they specify on their documentation.


I have this same issue. Using Hero Chat, but other gradients work in chat.