[Suggestion] - Additional Placeholder
GenSecrets opened this issue ยท 1 comments
We currently have the following placeholders related to my suggestion:
- one to check an expiry time for a player's personal groups/parents
- one to check and see all inherited groups a player has
- one to check an expiry time for a player's personal permission
- one to check for expiry time on a player's inherited permission
But we do not have:
- one to check expiry time on a player's inherited group/parent
- We have global boosts that we have a load of permissions store in a parent group called "boost" for example. When someone purchases a global boost, the parent "boost" is added to the default rank for so many hours.
- We want to create a custom command that goes "Time left on <specified> boost: <placeholder>". Which is definitely possible thanks to Papi and LP but wondering if we can get a placeholder added which combines a couple features of your other placeholders
Suggested papi name:
- %luckperms_inherited_group_expiry_time_<group_name>%