


Extra users being added

DaddyGamerGuy opened this issue ยท 6 comments



Every time I open the editor there are more and more no name users added, right now its at 323 when we only have 3 players playing

Reproduction steps

Not sure, it seems to get worse over time, maybe on restart

  1. Open the config.yml file and set example to true.
  2. Restart the server
  3. Run /lp user example permission set x from the console
  4. See error

Expected behaviour

Only show users who exist

Environment details

  • Server type/version: ExampleSpigot running version 1.12.2 build ???
  • LuckPerms version: v??? forge 1.12.2 5.1.82

Any other relevant details


What setting in the config are you talking about?


Nothing in the config, I think its adding non existent users to the database.
I see them in the editor, we only have 3 players but over 300 users in LP
Look at the screenshot here


Your luckperms version is important as it may have been an old bug that was fixed. Send screenshot of /lp info


Cant run minecraft right now, but here it is ran from console
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Running LuckPerms v5.1.82 by Luck.
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Platform: Sponge
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Server Brand: SpongeForge
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Server Version:
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] SpongeAPI: 7.3.0-299f484b6 - SpongeForge: 1.12.2-2838-7.3.1-RC4077
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Storage:
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Type: H2
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] File Size: 0.38MB
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Messaging: None
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] - Instance:
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Static contexts: None
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Online Players: 0 (1 unique)
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Uptime: 1h 11m 16s
12.09 07:05:11 [Server] pool-5-thread-1/INFO [LP] Local Data: 3 users, 2 groups, 0 tracks


I upgraded it and will see if hat helps, is there any way to remove all of the extra users?
I know SQL if there is a way to connect to the db, I cant find a config file with the users in it


If you are using SQL database as perm storage, then perms won't be in a config file, but rather sqltables in your SQL database, so you need to login to your SQL database to see it. User's sqltable name should be named luckperms_user iirc.

If you are using the latest version of luckperms from, you will also be able to delete users using the new web editor feature.