BungeeCord API hasPermission returns false, even if it's set to true.
Closed this issue ยท 3 comments
I check in Bungee event called: ChatEvent for permission for certain commands with:
sender.hasPermission(); and it returns false, even if should be true.
Tried /lpb sync - doesn't change anything.
[LP] Running LuckPerms v3.1.25.
This server is running BungeeCord version git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.11-SNAPSHOT:53cc324:1229 by md_5
Pastebin your config file & the output of /lp user <you> permission info
, as well as /lp group <group> permission info
for the groups you inherit from.
Config: https://gist.github.com/Darkfield/9db4a9700a8efaef7268ef63f23e7a29
18:54:59 [INFO] [LP] test's Nodes:
18:54:59 [INFO] > group.default (true)
18:54:59 [INFO]
18:54:59 [INFO] [LP] test's Temporary Nodes:
18:54:59 [INFO] > group.swadmin2
18:54:59 [INFO] - expires in 29 days 21 hours 45 minutes
18:55:25 [INFO] [LP] swadmin2's Nodes:
18:55:25 [INFO] > admin2.skywars (true)
18:55:25 [INFO] > bat.ban (true)
18:55:25 [INFO] > bat.ban.skywars (true)
18:55:25 [INFO]
18:55:25 [INFO] [LP] swadmin2's Temporary Nodes:
18:55:25 [INFO] None