Permissions / Group being deleted from database with no user input
MacTh3Mac opened this issue ยท 1 comments
In a multi server environment with 100+ servers after assigning a permission and / or group to a user this user then looses the permission or group randomly in the future. This is an intermittent issue.
Reproduction steps
- assign permission or group to user
- wait indefinite amount of time
- user reports loss of group
Expected behaviour
User does not lose group / permission
Environment details
Servers mixed 1.12.2 PaperSpigot / latest and 1.16.4 Paperspigot latest
Luckperms (Latest)
DataBase MySQL 5.7.27
Messaging - redis
620,000 approx records in _players table
850,000 approx records in _user_permissions table
DB Server on 10GB LAN with servers and running at low cpu usage.
Any other relevant details
Troubleshooting steps followed:
Verified in _actions table that insert occurred
There is no corresponding delete
We added timestamps to user_permissions table and at corresponding timestamp found missing rows (based on record ID)
We added database table triggers to log inserts and deletes and verified that the permission / group was indeed in the table and was inserted and then deleted by the luckperms user approximately 1 hr 40 mins later.
Possibly connected but unknown: at exactly the same time 2 temporary permission nodes were removed.
The most likely cause of this is another server in the network saving an old copy of user data on-top of the newer changes - this will override.
If you have any plugins that make changes to LP data via the API, ensure that they load a fresh copy of user data from the DB before making any changes and saving.
There isn't anything in LP that would randomly delete entries - in fact, user/group data isn't ever modified unless by commands or an API call.
I appreciate the detailed report, but I don't think there's anything I can do code-wise in LP to actually "fix" anything here. Hope the info above helps.