When joining through a proxy to a lobby, I get an error which crashes my client.
MrRazamataz opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When joining through a proxy to a lobby, I get an error which crashes my client, this doesnt happen everytime but it happens a fair amount to be annoying. I have LuckPerms installed on both my proxy (WaterDog) and my lobby (nukkit).
Expected behaviour
Player should join with no issues.
Environment details
The client either crashes or gets stuck in a locating server glitch screen of which the player cannot get out of and has to restart the client.
- Server type/version:
running version1.12.2
- LuckPerms version:
Lobby: Nukkit git-da41bf2
Luckperms: LuckPerms v5.2.67
Proxy: This server is running Waterdog version git:Waterdog-Bootstrap:1.15-SNAPSHOT:607faf3:15 by md_5
Same error: #2791