


Per Track Promote permission.

ctrieskey opened this issue · 25 comments


I can't seem to find documentation for whether or not this is an option, but I'm using LP to create a guild system. I have a track called "guild" with groups "Guild_member," "Guild_builder," and "Guild_leader." I want to give the group "Guild_leader" the permission to promote users only along the "guild" track. I have argument based command permissions enabled, but I can't seem to get the perm to show up for my test subject unless he has permission to promote along every track.


Make sure you explain as little as possible. Still no documentation on whether Luckperms.user.promote.track is a permission node, or what argument based permissions have to do with that. Good try though.


Everyone loves a snarky reply.

Enable the option in the config, then use verbose mode to figure out the rest.


Everyone loves a snarky reply.

Enable the option in the config, then use verbose mode to figure out the rest.

If somebody is going to post a link with no explanation, they might as well not post at all. Why do developers always reply with as little explanation as possible? Are you actually trying to help? I'll try your suggestion, but my response to BrainStone is justified.


tbf, the contents in the link does explain.
And like turbo said, if you are unsure of the exact permission, you can also use verbose to check.


That’s the thing about documentation. It requires no further explanation. As it contains all the info you need.

But it’ll be my pleasure no longer helping you out ☺️


Ben where did you find that section in the documentation? Brain, posting a link to a wiki requires explanation on where in the massive article to look. Also you never helped to begin with. Also that section pertains to spigot, I'm using bukkit. I should have mentioned that in the original post.


The wiki is very well detailed, that article as a whole explains argument based permissions and if you were to take your time and read in detail you would know that section is towards the bottom


Ben where did you find that section in the documentation?

In the link brainstone sent.

Also you never helped to begin with.

Not sure why you are so closed-minded to ppl helping you, but we are all just chipping in to help. Hope you understand. 😄


Well if around two pages of text is too much to read then you shouldn’t be running a server. Reading documentation is an essential skill for successfully running a server on your own. And it’s quite impressive that you never bothered even scrolling down. Else you would’ve seen it.

Now if you’ve read the documentation and it you don’t understand something that is fine. Ask for clarification on those parts. But don’t demand for people to regurgitate perfectly fine documentation into bite sized pieces.


My apologies on being so hasty and not scrolling down. I don't mean to be rude. It is possible, however, to help without being vague at first, and then scornful. Moreover, the article states that it pertains only to spigot and sponge, which I am not using. The issue is still unresolved. For instance, the node luckperms.user.promote..* doesnt seem to exist. I cannot use the wildcard to invoke all groups on a track.


That’s the thing. There’s nothing meaningful for me to add to the link. As it contains all the info you need.

And I’m not sure where you get the idea from that it only works on Spigot and Sponge. This works for all LP types.

And lastly make sure you enable the setting that’s mentioned in the very first sentence.


he article states that it pertains only to spigot and sponge, which I am not using.

You didn't fill in the issue template so we can only assume you use the common server types. Tho luckperms permission nodes don't differ between server types so I don't see an issue there.

For instance, the node luckperms.user.promote..* doesnt seem to exist.

How do you know it "Doesnt exist", also the permission node its luckperms.user.promote.* not 2 .. Then also note that there is 5 permission nodes to set with different states, some true some false as shown in the table. If you don't understand the table shown, or if you are unsure of the exact permission, you can also use verbose to check.

Also CHECK that you have actually enabled argument based in luckperms config.


Well if you read my original post, you'll see that that setting is in fact enabled. Also, the article SAYS "for sponge and spigot." I mentioned that I'm using Bukkit. Also, it would more appropriate to ask "is that setting correct?" or "did you try this command." That is what beig a helpful person looks like. Not "I shouldn't have to help you because you should be able to help yourself." The double dot was a typo on the post. The node is in red text when I type it.


The node is in red text when I type it.

That is purely client side and has no functional implications, you can wrap your permission in double quotations "*" and it will be yellow fancy.

If you want people to provide help without having to assume things you should follow the issue template.


There were no details to assume, as I cleared up those missing details, however I was unaware of the issue template. I'll look at that next time.


The node is in red text when I type it.

Red doesn't mean its invalid, have you actually tried setting all the relevant permission node.

the article SAYS "for sponge and spigot."

Bukkit is basically same as sipgot.

Well if you read my original post, you'll see that that setting is in fact enabled.

Im just asking you to check, didn't say you definitely didn't enable it yet.

Also, it would more appropriate to ask "is that setting correct?" or "did you try this command."

We gave you links to 2 very detailed page with basically has that.

Providing more info of what you have tried like commands you ran exactly, server type, screenshot of command output and permission nodes you have try setting.


Thank you Ben. You have been very patient and understanding. I'll come back to this problem when there are players to test it out. With the knowledge of the autofill suggestion status not being relevant, I should be able to get it taken care of.


Alright, so I've used verbose mode to see what nodes are being checked when the command "/lp user name promote track" is run. I have the perms luckperms.user.promote, luckperms.user.promote.modify.others, luckperms.user.promote.track.* set to true, which is all that the wiki says is needed. However, the output of the verbose command shows about 30 perms being checked, all of which seem unrelated to the command I'm trying to run, ones about viewing, clearing users, parents, and permissions. My subject does now get autofill options that he didn't before, but is denied permission when he runs the command. Do I really have to go in and enable 30 or so perms individually? This seems like it would allow people to do things that I don't want them to.


Can you set the actual screenshot/links of permissions you set and verbose output? Also is your track named track?


The names in the commands and nodes that I send here are placeholders. I don't see an option to attach an image to my post.




2021-01-14_21 23 03
2021-01-14_21 23 14
2021-01-14_21 26 33
2021-01-14_21 27 03

Here, angels_leader inherits from faction_leader.
Do I need to set all these to true?


from my own testing:

Try add perm node as well. Also for verbose you can do a web upload with lp verbose record, then after doing the command lp verbose upload


Ben, it looks like that one node worked. Everything is working properly now. Thank you for your willingness to help.