Rank Signs
LeitoCc187 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Please add a Sign system that lets the players to buy ranks from signs with money from vault or other ecconamy plugins
Proposed behaviour
the sign format maybe
sign lines
1.[lp Rank]
This would add the gourp listed to the player who clicks the sign and
the context option if left black will add the gourp to the context or
the server the player is in when clicking when the sign is finished the
context line would be removed from the sign but will still apply
It may use a command like "/lp ranksign gourp price context"
and that will turn the sign the admin is looking at in to a rank sign
that anyone can buy from. The command could be more indepth
than the sign formating so the command may be nicer to use but
both would work and do the same job
thank for reading my ted talk
Not the main dev - but I can tell you signs is out of scope of luckperms
aww damn i was kinda hoping it would work i cant find any good rank sign plugins that work with the context the right way