Network sync with bungee stops working after a few hours
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I've run into an issue that when a networksync (manually or automatically triggered) is performed the bungee doesn't recive the ping after a few hours of running.
I'm using LP 3.2.7 on my ForgeSponge and Bungee servers. Both are up to date.
Interesting. The direction Bungee -> Sponge
works, but Sponge -> Bungee
So it works initially, but then breaks after a while?
I need more info really. Remember the networksync won't work unless there are players connected to that server.
Yes initially it works and then it breaks. I know that at least one player needs to be connected.
I'll happily provide any infomation you want. I just don't know what you could need.
But as I said, I tried it recently. A networksync (with a player connected!) on the SF server didn't get propagated to the Bungee, but a networksync on the bungee worked without issues.
It will just try every 10 seconds to send the message.
I mean the Sponge server tries to send a message. It even says so in the logs. But the Bungee never recieves it.