Server permission desync
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I am using BungeeCord and Spigot 1.11 with luckperms dev build 221
This is the situation:
I have bungee and 2 lobby server, 2 lobby with same config
Bukkit Config: https://pastebin.com/KNMivULt
Bungee Config: https://pastebin.com/gmFbTKwx
I am in lobby1, and lobby2 is empty
First I add a permission with
/lp user caxerx permission set test.node true server=global
Then I use /lp sync
so I can see test.node on both
/lp user caxerx permission info
/lpb user caxerx permission info
Then I go to lobby2, and lobby 1 is empty now
I try both
/lp user caxerx permission info
/lpb user caxerx permission info
now test.node is disappear now, even I try /lpb sync again
but test.node show again after I transfer lobby1
Check your IP forwarding is setup correctly for BungeeCord. Sounds like it's wrong for one of your Spigot servers.