Luckperms not work properly with the latest forge (36.2.28) + SpongeForge
ShunL12324 opened this issue · 3 comments
luckperms cannot work properly with the latest build of sponge forge
Here is the full log, I have removed all other plugins or mods, only forge, spongeforge and luckperms
the spongeforge version is the latest build spongeforge-1.16.5-36.2.5-8.0.0-RC1073-universal
Reproduction Steps
just put luckperms 5.4.2 into the plugin folder then start the server
Expected Behaviour
just compatible with the latest version of spongeforge
Server Details
LuckPerms Version
Logs and Configs
full log:
config(did't change anything):
Extra Details
No response
Hm, that class definitely exists:
Seems like some sort of classloading issue with either Sponge or Forge. Make sure you're using the latest versions of both, and if it still errors then might be worth raising with the Sponge devs :)
Actually I think this may be related to #3308, so I've raised an issue with Sponge myself :)