Fly command
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Ok so I made a new group called Member and Citizen.
Owner, Admin, Mod. and Helper have the ability of fly command.
For some reason, Member and Citizen also have the fly command.
You need to assign group weights so your lowest group has the lowest weight and the weight increases as the ranks incline. So owner would have the largest weight. The command used to do this is /lp group setweight
Ok so i set the weight to both for 1 and owner 1000, admin 100, mod idk 50?
After so, they can still fly
Irecommend you don't have groups with the same weight as it will only cause issues. My system has default as 1, second group as 2 and so forth.
Ok, after setting the weights, all groups can fly even tho I have set different permissions. Still not getting this
And can you give me an example of the parent command you did to have one group inherit the other permissions.
/luckperms group mod parent add admin
At first I did it the other way around cause im stupid, then I changed it
You'll find that you did it right the first time ;)
The command usage is:
/lp group {higher group} parent add {lower group}
To stop confusing, think of parent as inheritance. So in your case, /lp group mod parent add admin. Mod is inheriting the permissions of admin rather than admin inheriting the permissions of mod.
So the correct command you'd need for that is:
/lp group admin parent add mod
Ah ok. Still got this problem lol.
Maybe If i export my LuckPerms file I can see whats inheriting this? if so how to make a file for luckPerms?
Also to add on to that I did do essentials.fly true
after each command to owner, admin, mod, etc...
but not Member or Citizen
Just to check, do member and citizen have access to all commands from the upper groups, and not just /fly?
And this could actually be an issue with essentials. First odd, please make sure you're using essentialsX and try the version found here: https://ci.lucko.me/job/Essentials/ since i know this one does work for other servers.
I expect another issues is the way you've done the parenting system. What you've described to me is that the lower groups are inheriting the permissions from the higher groups.
And please make sure you're using the latest luckperms found here: https://ci.lucko.me/job/Essentials/ ;)
Oh bugger xD second try https://ci.lucko.me/job/LuckPerms/
I figured out the problem, I was also in the mod group AND citizen group lmao.
And what version are those essentials? for which minecraft versions? cause the ones i got are on 1.8