Luckperms Bungee not working
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Hey after updating to the latest bungeecord and luckperms version no permissions on the bugeecord side wants to work here is my start up log https://gist.github.com/izakhearn/1acec29b953040f5ca9deeff5c8dd74d
Yes it does but none of my perms i gave works like my slashsever perm my bungee command perms they dont work. I made sure that my permission nodes are correct and checked that i am in the luckperms group
but to no luck it does not work and that is the only plugin that is a permission management plugin on the whole bungee. I will try removing all the plugins on bungee again and check again.
Can you pastebin your config file, and screenshot the output to "/lpb user <you> permission info".
Will do
and then
# The name of the server, used for server specific permissions. Set to 'global' to disable.
server: global
# If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.
# If set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global: false
... meaning, no permissions will be applied. :)
You need to set include-global to true.