


Can't see more than 500 players webeditr

Wastinqs opened this issue ยท 1 comments



I need to edit mass permissions since Ultra Prison Core changed their integer to xprison and there for I need access to all of my users to modify permissions. Even if I try to search for a username which is registered since at least 3 months, luckperms can't find it. Check the screens.

Please help me, as this is very important and I can't delete all playerdata.

Reproduction Steps

Have more than 500 players and open the lp webeditor.

Expected Behaviour

See all users to manage them without opening a github issue.

Server Details

git-Paper-411 (MC:1.17.1)

LuckPerms Version


Logs and Configs


# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                   __         __   ___  __         __                         | #
# |                        |    |  | /  ` |__/  |__) |__  |__)  |\/| /__`                        | #
# |                        |___ \__/ \__, |  \  |    |___ |  \  |  | .__/                        | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                                               | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  WIKI:                                                     | #
# |  DISCORD:                                                   | #
# |  BUG REPORTS:                                      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  Each option in this file is documented and explained here:                                  | #
# |   ==>                                              | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |  New options are not added to this file automatically. Default values are used if an         | #
# |  option cannot be found. The latest config versions can be obtained at the link above.       | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                      ESSENTIAL SETTINGS                                      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                   Important settings that control how LuckPerms functions.                   | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# The name of the server, used for server specific permissions.
# - When set to "global" this setting is effectively ignored.
# - In all other cases, the value here is added to all players in a "server" context.
# - See:
server: global

# If the servers own UUID cache/lookup facility should be used when there is no record for a player
# already in LuckPerms.
# - When this is set to 'false', commands using a player's username will not work unless the player
#   has joined since LuckPerms was first installed.
# - To get around this, you can use a player's uuid directly in the command, or enable this option.
# - When this is set to 'true', the server facility is used. This may use a number of methods,
#   including checking the servers local cache, or making a request to the Mojang API.
use-server-uuid-cache: true

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                       STORAGE SETTINGS                                       | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                Controls which storage method LuckPerms will use to store data.               | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# How the plugin should store data
# - The various options are explained in more detail on the wiki:
# - Possible options:
#   |  Remote databases - require connection information to be configured below
#   |=> MySQL
#   |=> MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
#   |=> PostgreSQL
#   |=> MongoDB
#   |  Flatfile/local database - don't require any extra configuration
#   |=> H2 (preferred over SQLite)
#   |=> SQLite
#   |  Readable & editable text files - don't require any extra configuration
#   |=> YAML (.yml files)
#   |=> JSON (.json files)
#   |=> HOCON (.conf files)
#   |=> TOML (.toml files)
#   |
#   | By default, user, group and track data is separated into different files. Data can be combined
#   | and all stored in the same file by switching to a combined storage variant.
#   | Just add '-combined' to the end of the storage-method, e.g. 'yaml-combined'
# - A H2 database is the default option.
# - If you want to edit data manually in "traditional" storage files, we suggest using YAML.
storage-method: h2

# The following block defines the settings for remote database storage methods.
# - You don't need to touch any of the settings here if you're using a local storage method!
# - The connection detail options are shared between all remote storage types.

  # Define the address and port for the database.
  # - The standard DB engine port is used by default
  #   (MySQL: 3306, PostgreSQL: 5432, MongoDB: 27017)
  # - Specify as "host:port" if differs
  address: db

  # The name of the database to store LuckPerms data in.
  # - This must be created already. Don't worry about this setting if you're using MongoDB.
  database: db_db

  # Credentials for the database.
  username: db_db
  password: 'pw'

  # These settings apply to the MySQL connection pool.
  # - The default values will be suitable for the majority of users.
  # - Do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing!

    # Sets the maximum size of the MySQL connection pool.
    # - Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual
    #   connections to the database backend.
    # - More information about determining the size of connection pools can be found here:
    maximum-pool-size: 10

    # Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will try to maintain.
    # - For maximum performance and responsiveness to spike demands, it is recommended to not set
    #   this value and instead allow the pool to act as a fixed size connection pool.
    #   (set this value to the same as 'maximum-pool-size')
    minimum-idle: 10

    # This setting controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds.
    # - The value should be at least 30 seconds less than any database or infrastructure imposed
    #   connection time limit.
    maximum-lifetime: 1800000 # 30 minutes

    # This setting controls how frequently the pool will 'ping' a connection in order to prevent it
    # from being timed out by the database or network infrastructure, measured in milliseconds.
    # - The value should be less than maximum-lifetime and greater than 30000 (30 seconds).
    # - Setting the value to zero will disable the keepalive functionality.
    keepalive-time: 0

    # This setting controls the maximum number of milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a
    # connection from the pool, before timing out.
    connection-timeout: 5000 # 5 seconds

    # This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections.
    # By default, the following options are set to enable utf8 encoding. (you may need to remove
    # these if you are using PostgreSQL)
    #   useUnicode: true
    #   characterEncoding: utf8
    # You can also use this section to disable SSL connections, by uncommenting the 'useSSL' and
    # 'verifyServerCertificate' options below.
      useUnicode: true
      characterEncoding: utf8
      #useSSL: false
      #verifyServerCertificate: false

  # The prefix for all LuckPerms SQL tables.
  # - This only applies for remote SQL storage types (MySQL, MariaDB, etc).
  # - Change this if you want to use different tables for different servers.
  table-prefix: 'luckperms_'

  # The prefix to use for all LuckPerms MongoDB collections.
  # - This only applies for the MongoDB storage type.
  # - Change this if you want to use different collections for different servers. The default is no
  # prefix.
  mongodb-collection-prefix: ''

  # The connection string URI to use to connect to the MongoDB instance.
  # - When configured, this setting will override anything defined in the address, database,
  #   username or password fields above.
  # - If you have a connection string that starts with 'mongodb://' or 'mongodb+srv://', enter it
  #   below.
  # - For more information, please see
  mongodb-connection-uri: ''

# Define settings for a "split" storage setup.
# - This allows you to define a storage method for each type of data.
# - The connection options above still have to be correct for each type here.
  # Don't touch this if you don't want to use split storage!
  enabled: false
    # These options don't need to be modified if split storage isn't enabled.
    user: h2
    group: h2
    track: h2
    uuid: h2
    log: h2

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                            UPDATE PROPAGATION & MESSAGING SERVICE                            | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |    Controls the ways in which LuckPerms will sync data & notify other servers of changes.    | #
# |     These options are documented on greater detail on the wiki under "Instant Updates".      | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# This option controls how frequently LuckPerms will perform a sync task.
# - A sync task will refresh all data from the storage, and ensure that the most up-to-date data is
#   being used by the plugin.
# - This is disabled by default, as most users will not need it. However, if you're using a remote
#   storage type without a messaging service setup, you may wish to set this to something like 3.
# - Set to -1 to disable the task completely.
sync-minutes: -1

# If the file watcher should be enabled.
# - When using a file-based storage type, LuckPerms can monitor the data files for changes, and
#   automatically update when changes are detected.
# - If you don't want this feature to be active, set this option to false.
watch-files: true

# Define which messaging service should be used by the plugin.
# - If enabled and configured, LuckPerms will use the messaging service to inform other connected
#   servers of changes.
# - Use the command "/lp networksync" to manually push changes.
# - Data is NOT stored using this service. It is only used as a messaging platform.
# - If you decide to enable this feature, you should set "sync-minutes" to -1, as there is no need
#   for LuckPerms to poll the database for changes.
# - Possible options:
#   => sql       Uses the SQL database to form a queue system for communication. Will only work when
#                'storage-method' is set to MySQL or MariaDB. This is chosen by default if the
#                option is set to 'auto' and SQL storage is in use. Set to 'notsql' to disable this.
#   => pluginmsg Uses the plugin messaging channels to communicate with the proxy.
#                LuckPerms must be installed on your proxy & all connected servers backend servers.
#                Won't work if you have more than one proxy.
#   => lilypad   Uses LilyPad pub-sub to push changes. You need to have the LilyPad-Connect plugin
#                installed.
#   => redis     Uses Redis pub-sub to push changes. Your server connection info must be configured
#                below.
#   => rabbitmq  Uses RabbitMQ pub-sub to push changes. Your server connection info must be
#                configured below.
#   => custom    Uses a messaging service provided using the LuckPerms API.
#   => auto      Attempts to automatically setup a messaging service using redis or sql.
messaging-service: auto

# If LuckPerms should automatically push updates after a change has been made with a command.
auto-push-updates: true

# If LuckPerms should push logging entries to connected servers via the messaging service.
push-log-entries: true

# If LuckPerms should broadcast received logging entries to players on this platform.
# - If you have LuckPerms installed on your backend servers as well as a BungeeCord proxy, you
#   should set this option to false on either your backends or your proxies, to avoid players being
#   messaged twice about log entries.
broadcast-received-log-entries: true

# Settings for Redis.
# Port 6379 is used by default; set address to "host:port" if differs
  enabled: false
  address: localhost
  username: ''
  password: ''

# Settings for RabbitMQ.
# Port 5672 is used by default; set address to "host:port" if differs
  enabled: false
  address: localhost
  vhost: '/'
  username: 'guest'
  password: 'guest'

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                    CUSTOMIZATION SETTINGS                                    | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |              Settings that allow admins to customize the way LuckPerms operates.             | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Controls how temporary permissions/parents/meta should be accumulated.
# - The default behaviour is "deny".
# - This behaviour can also be specified when the command is executed. See the command usage
#   documentation for more info.
# - Possible options:
#   => accumulate   durations will be added to the existing expiry time
#   => replace      durations will be replaced if the new duration is later than the current
#                   expiration
#   => deny         the command will just fail if you try to add another node with the same expiry
temporary-add-behaviour: deny

# Controls how LuckPerms will determine a users "primary" group.
# - The meaning and influence of "primary groups" are explained in detail on the wiki.
# - The preferred approach is to let LuckPerms automatically determine a users primary group
#   based on the relative weight of their parent groups.
# - Possible options:
#   => stored                  use the value stored against the users record in the file/database
#   => parents-by-weight       just use the users most highly weighted parent
#   => all-parents-by-weight   same as above, but calculates based upon all parents inherited from
#                              both directly and indirectly
primary-group-calculation: parents-by-weight

# If the plugin should check for "extra" permissions with users run LP commands.
# - These extra permissions allow finer control over what users can do with each command, and who
#   they have access to edit.
# - The nature of the checks are documented on the wiki under "Argument based command permissions".
# - Argument based permissions are *not* static, unlike the 'base' permissions, and will depend upon
#   the arguments given within the command.
argument-based-command-permissions: false

# If the plugin should check whether senders are a member of a given group before they're able to
# edit the groups data or add/remove other users to/from it.
# Note: these limitations do not apply to the web editor!
require-sender-group-membership-to-modify: false

# If the plugin should send log notifications to users whenever permissions are modified.
# - Notifications are only sent to those with the appropriate permission to receive them
# - They can also be temporarily enabled/disabled on a per-user basis using
#   '/lp log notify <on|off>'
log-notify: true

# Defines a list of log entries which should not be sent as notifications to users.
# - Each entry in the list is a RegEx expression which is matched against the log entry description.
#  - "parent add example"

# If LuckPerms should automatically install translation bundles and periodically update them.
auto-install-translations: true

# Defines the options for prefix and suffix stacking.
# - The feature allows you to display multiple prefixes or suffixes alongside a players username in
#   chat.
# - It is explained and documented in more detail on the wiki under "Prefix & Suffix Stacking".
# - The options are divided into separate sections for prefixes and suffixes.
# - The 'duplicates' setting refers to how duplicate elements are handled. Can be 'retain-all',
#   'first-only' or 'last-only'.
# - The value of 'start-spacer' is included at the start of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'end-spacer' is included at the end of the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - The value of 'middle-spacer' is included between each element in the resultant prefix/suffix.
# - Possible format options:
#   => highest                        Selects the value with the highest weight, from all values
#                                     held by or inherited by the player.
#   => lowest                         Same as above, except takes the one with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_own                    Selects the value with the highest weight, but will not
#                                     accept any inherited values.
#   => lowest_own                     Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_inherited              Selects the value with the highest weight, but will only
#                                     accept inherited values.
#   => lowest_inherited               Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_on_track_<track>       Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was inherited from a group on the given track.
#   => lowest_on_track_<track>        Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_not_on_track_<track>   Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was inherited from a group not on the given track.
#   => lowest_not_on_track_<track>    Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_from_group_<group>     Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was inherited from the given group.
#   => lowest_from_group_<group>      Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
#   => highest_not_from_group_<group> Selects the value with the highest weight, but only if the
#                                     value was not inherited from the given group.
#   => lowest_not_from_group_<group>  Same as above, except takes the value with the lowest weight.
      - "highest"
    duplicates: first-only
    start-spacer: ""
    middle-spacer: " "
    end-spacer: ""
      - "highest"
    duplicates: first-only
    start-spacer: ""
    middle-spacer: " "
    end-spacer: ""

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                            PERMISSION CALCULATION AND INHERITANCE                            | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |    Modify the way permission checks, meta lookups and inheritance resolutions are handled.   | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# The algorithm LuckPerms should use when traversing the "inheritance tree".
# - Possible options:
#   => breadth-first            See:
#   => depth-first-pre-order    See:
#   => depth-first-post-order   See:
inheritance-traversal-algorithm: depth-first-pre-order

# If a final sort according to "inheritance rules" should be performed after the traversal algorithm
# has resolved the inheritance tree.
# "Inheritance rules" refers to things such as group weightings, primary group status, and the
# natural contextual ordering of the group nodes.
# Setting this to 'true' will allow for the inheritance rules to take priority over the structure of
# the inheritance tree.
# Effectively when this setting is 'true': the tree is flattened, and rules applied afterwards,
# and when this setting is 'false':, the rules are just applied during each step of the traversal.
post-traversal-inheritance-sort: false

# Defines the mode used to determine whether a set of contexts are satisfied.
# - Possible options:
#   => at-least-one-value-per-key   Set A will be satisfied by another set B, if at least one of the
#                                   key-value entries per key in A are also in B.
#   => all-values-per-key           Set A will be satisfied by another set B, if all key-value
#                                   entries in A are also in B.
context-satisfy-mode: at-least-one-value-per-key

# LuckPerms has a number of built-in contexts. These can be disabled by adding the context key to
# the list below.
#  - "world"

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Permission resolution settings                                                               | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.
# When set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global: true

# If users on this server should have their global world permissions applied.
# When set to false, only world specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global-world: true

# If users on this server should have global (non-server specific) groups applied
apply-global-groups: true

# If users on this server should have global (non-world specific) groups applied
apply-global-world-groups: true

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Meta lookup settings                                                                         | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Defines how meta values should be selected.
# - Possible options:
#   => inheritance      Selects the meta value that was inherited first
#   => highest-number   Selects the highest numerical meta value
#   => lowest-number    Selects the lowest numerical meta value
meta-value-selection-default: inheritance

# Defines how meta values should be selected per key.
#  max-homes: highest-number

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Inheritance settings                                                                         | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If the plugin should apply wildcard permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect wildcard permissions, and resolve & apply all registered
#   permissions matching the wildcard.
apply-wildcards: true

# If LuckPerms should resolve and apply permissions according to the Sponge style implicit wildcard
# inheritance system.
# - That being: If a user has been granted "example", then the player should have also be
#   automatically granted "example.function", "example.another", "example.deeper.nesting",
#   and so on.
apply-sponge-implicit-wildcards: false

# If the plugin should apply negated Bukkit default permissions before it considers wildcard
# assignments.
# - Plugin authors can define permissions which explicitly should not be given automatically to OPs.
#   This is usually used for so called "anti-permissions" - permissions which, when granted, apply
#   something negative.
# - If this option is set to true, LuckPerms will consider any negated declarations made by
#   plugins before it considers wildcards. (similar to the way the OP system works)
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will consider any wildcard assignments first.
apply-default-negated-permissions-before-wildcards: false

# If the plugin should parse regex permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect regex permissions, marked with "r=" at the start of the
#   node, and resolve & apply all registered permissions matching the regex.
apply-regex: true

# If the plugin should complete and apply shorthand permissions.
# - If set to true, LuckPerms will detect and expand shorthand node patterns.
apply-shorthand: true

# If the plugin should apply Bukkit child permissions.
# - Plugin authors can define custom permissions structures for their plugin, which will be resolved
#   and used by LuckPerms if this setting is enabled.
apply-bukkit-child-permissions: true

# If the plugin should apply Bukkit default permissions.
# - Plugin authors can define permissions which should be given to all users by default, or setup
#   permissions which should/shouldn't be given to opped players.
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will ignore these defaults.
apply-bukkit-default-permissions: true

# If the plugin should apply attachment permissions.
# - Other plugins on the server are able to add their own "permission attachments" to players.
# - This allows them to grant players additional permissions which last until the end of the
#   session, or until they're removed.
# - If this option is set to false, LuckPerms will not include these attachment permissions when
#   considering if a player should have access to a certain permission.
apply-bukkit-attachment-permissions: true

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Extra settings                                                                               | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# A list of context calculators which will be skipped when calculating contexts.
# - You can disable context calculators by either:
#   => specifying the Java class name used by the calculator (e.g. com.example.ExampleCalculator)
#   => specifying a sub-section of the Java package used by the calculator (e.g. com.example)
disabled-context-calculators: []

# Allows you to set "aliases" for the worlds sent forward for context calculation.
# - These aliases are provided in addition to the real world name. Applied recursively.
# - Remove the comment characters for the default aliases to apply.
#  world_nether: world
#  world_the_end: world

# Define special group weights for this server.
# - Group weights can also be applied directly to group data, using the setweight command.
# - This section allows weights to be set on a per-server basis.
#  admin: 10

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |                                      FINE TUNING OPTIONS                                     | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# |     A number of more niche settings for tweaking and changing behaviour. The section also    | #
# | contains toggles for some more specialised features. It is only necessary to make changes to | #
# |                  these options if you want to fine-tune LuckPerms behaviour.                 | #
# |                                                                                              | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Server Operator (OP) settings                                                                | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Controls whether server operators should exist at all.
# - When set to 'false', all players will be de-opped, and the /op and /deop commands will be
#   disabled. Note that vanilla features like the spawn-protection require an operator on the
#   server to work.
enable-ops: true

# Enables or disables a special permission based system in LuckPerms for controlling OP status.
# - If set to true, any user with the permission "luckperms.autoop" will automatically be granted
#   server operator status. This permission can be inherited, or set on specific servers/worlds,
#   temporarily, etc.
# - Additionally, setting this to true will force the "enable-ops" option above to false. All users
#   will be de-opped unless they have the permission node, and the op/deop commands will be
#   disabled.
# - It is recommended that you use this option instead of assigning a single '*' permission.
auto-op: false

# Defines if "opped" players should be able to use all LuckPerms commands by default.
# - Set to false to only allow users who have the permissions access to the commands
commands-allow-op: true

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Vault integration settings                                                                   | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If Vault lookups for offline players on the main server thread should be enabled.
# LuckPerms has a "catch" for plugins attempting to perform unsafe offline player data lookups
# from the main server thread. This catch raises an exception (causes an error to occur) when unsafe
# lookups are made, instead of allowing the lookup to happen, which would likely cause the server
# to lag.
# However, if you're willing to accept the consequences, the catch can be disabled by setting this
# option to 'true.
vault-unsafe-lookups: false

# If LuckPerms should use the 'display name' of a group when returning groups in Vault API calls.
# - When this option is set to true, the display name of the group is returned.
# - When this option is set to false, the standard name/id of the group is returned.
vault-group-use-displaynames: true

# Controls which group LuckPerms should use for NPC players when handling Vault requests.
# - As NPCs aren't actually real players, LuckPerms does not load any user data for them. This
#   becomes an issue when plugins want to check for their permissions using Vault.
# - As a solution, Vault checks for NPCs fallback to a group, which is defined below.
vault-npc-group: default

# Controls how LuckPerms should consider the OP status of NPC players when handing Vault requests.
# - If you want NPCs to have the same permissions as "normal" players, set this option to false.
# - If you want NPCs to have OP status, set this option to true.
vault-npc-op-status: false

# If the vault-server option below should be used.
# - When this option is set to false, the server value defined above under "server" is used.
use-vault-server: false

# The name of the server used within Vault operations.
# - If you don't want Vault operations to be server specific, set this to "global".
# - Will only take effect if use-vault-server is set to true above.
vault-server: global

# If global permissions should be considered when retrieving meta or player groups
vault-include-global: true

# If Vault operations should ignore any world arguments if supplied.
vault-ignore-world: false

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Miscellaneous (and rarely used) settings                                                     | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If LuckPerms should produce extra logging output when it handles logins.
# - Useful if you're having issues with UUID forwarding or data not being loaded.
debug-logins: false

# If LuckPerms should allow usernames with non alphanumeric characters.
# - Note that due to the design of the storage implementation, usernames must still be 16 characters
#   or less.
allow-invalid-usernames: false

# If LuckPerms should not require users to confirm bulkupdate operations.
# - When set to true, operations will be executed immediately.
# - This is not recommended, as bulkupdate has the potenti```
al to irreversibly delete large amounts of
#   data, and is not designed to be executed automatically.
# - If automation is needed, users should prefer using the LuckPerms API.
skip-bulkupdate-confirmation: false

# If LuckPerms should prevent bulkupdate operations.
# - When set to true, bulkupdate operations (the /lp bulkupdate command) will not work.
# - When set to false, bulkupdate operations will be allowed via the console.
disable-bulkupdate: false

# If LuckPerms should allow a users primary group to be removed with the 'parent remove' command.
# - When this happens, the plugin will set their primary group back to default.
prevent-primary-group-removal: false

If LuckPerms should update the list of commands sent to the client when permissions are changed.

update-client-command-list: true

If LuckPerms should attempt to register "Brigadier" command list data for its commands.

register-command-list-data: true

If LuckPerms should attempt to resolve Vanilla command target selectors for LP commands.

See here for more info:

resolve-command-selectors: false

Extra Details


The LP editor is capped at 500 players for storage reasons. If you need to pull up a specific user in the editor, you can do /lp user <who> editor. If you need to mass modify data, perhaps the bulk editing system is what you want.