


Multiple permissions plugins issue and proposed solution

ImDarkLaw opened this issue ยท 0 comments



The Issue

The coexistance of multiple permissions management plugins with LuckPerms, is a frequently encountered issue which is known to:

  • Cause conflicts throughout LuckPerms permission system.

  • Produce overlapping permission nodes and permission/groups incosistencies.

  • Result to confusion to newcomers to LuckPerms (that neglect checking their console logs).

  • Lead to an everyday concern of newcomers to LuckPerms on the LuckPerms Discord server and Github issue posts.

Despite the current console warning mechanism, users face the issue above on a daily basis. This is, mainly, the case due to the fact that lots of server admins do not monitor their console logs when installing new plugins.

To combat this widespread problem mentioned above, i've listed few possible solutions that aim to reduce the occurence of multiple permissions plugins alongside LuckPerms, such as PowerRanks, zPermissions, etc.

Proposed Behaviour

Proposed Solution

Enhance the existing "multiple permissions plugins installed" warnings mechanism by:

  • Adding new in-game warning messages to players with permission (preferably operators) on PlayerJoinEvent when another permissions management plugin is detected.

Message could look like:
[LP] LuckPerms has detected another permissions plugin installed on the server.
[LP] Please make sure that LuckPerms is the only permission plugin installed on your server!
[LP] (unless you're performing a migration, in which case, just remember to remove your old permission plugin once you're done!)

  • Adding an additional layer of warnings each time a player tries to execute a LuckPerms command.

Warning message similar to the one above, maybe more compact.

Extra Details

By adding in-game warning messages, we ensure that players are bound to, eventually, check the warning messages on screen on their own and acknowledge the fact that only 1 permissions plugin should be installed at a time without having to figure out/ask why their permission setup is not working as intended.

Additionally, by implementing these features, we would highly reduce instances on the LuckPerms Discord server and/or Github Issues where users report that their permissions are not working.

The end goal is to provide both console and in-game warnings, as logs can be easy to ignore, and mitigate the occurence of multiple permissions plugins with LuckPerms.