Split Datastore issue
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I've recently wiped my database. Now, every time i try to add a command for me, or use something, I'm receiving a error of No Permissions. I was wondering why, then I decided to add a permission for me, and seems that LuckPerms didn't re-registered me to the database. Look: http://prntscr.com/d05su5
In my database, the user
and uuid
tables are empty.
SpongeForge 1.10.2-6.0.0-BETA-1851
LuckPerms build 45 from Jenkins
LuckPerms in database (MySQL) mode
Did you wipe the database whilst the user was online? UUID caching data is only ever setup when users login.
No, I wiped with the server offline. I've tried reconnect/restart, but no effect too.
I'm running a modpack, I didn't erased the playerdata or something like it... Can you explain what exactly is wrong? I'm blind ๐ฅ
Player data shouldn't effect it. LuckPerms relies on the uuid table only for it's lookups.
Any exceptions in console? My guess is that the server can't write to MySQL.
Hmmm, true, i've recently restarted my MySQL server, let me try restart again the server.
Nope. Didn't work. Looking in the logs, everything seems to work fine, no errors/stacktraces, and LuckPerms can connect to the database...
Can you try testing with H2 instead? The core behaviour is exactly the same. It will just narrow down whether it's an issue with your MySQL server or LuckPerms.
Can you try on a clean Sponge installation? I cannot reproduce at all. I've tried on both SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla, using clean H2 setups.
Tried a clean Sponge installation, worked... I'm wondering why it's bugging only with my server :/
I guess just try out different things.
Take a copy of your old server and try removing bits.
Remove some mods, remove other plugins, reset the world, etc etc. I have no clue why you're having issues. ๐ข
I also hit this problem. I have managed to reproduce it once.
From a fresh install, change all the storage methods to yaml and split storage all at the same time. Luckperms will not recognise a player exists with /perms user info.
split-storage {
methods {
However when I changed from H2 to yaml storage method, then restarted, and then to split storage, it worked okay.
So perhaps it's something to do with changing storage methods and splitting all at once?
Shouldn't be. Is it specifically an issue with split storage? @Eufranio were you using split storage, or one option?
Yes, I was. I thought change the split was neccessary to change the database type...
You could add a comment in this section, like
It did previously have that message, funnily enough. I removed it because I considered it stable enough to use. ๐