


LP Promote & parent settrack is adding additional group perms to users.

KoalaServers opened this issue · 6 comments



We use CMI to read players votes and execute lp user [playerName] parent settrack once a certain vote count is hit. Now 8/10 luckperms promotes players correctly and removes the old group perfectly, but for those 2 the players will retain both groups, and then when they are ready to get promoted again, they can’t due to “user is in multiple groups so can’t promote them error”. We did previously use lp promote with the same issue.

Example user: DesiOnRTX

[luckperms-command-executor/INFO]: [LP] desionrtx had their existing parent groups on track players cleared, and now only inherits wallaby in context global. But if you take a look at the attached image as you can see they are in two groups.
Screenshot 2024-02-20 204659

Reproduction Steps

Creating a track, promoting a player up and down the track until it catches them in two groups.

Expected Behaviour

The user will retain two groups and won't be promoted along the track until one group is removed.

Server Details

git-Paper-430 (MC 1.20.4)

LuckPerms Version


Logs and Configs

No response

Extra Details

No response


Have you tried this on an isolated server in order to ensure this is not an external plugin interfering with Luckperms?

I could try, but CMI is passing the command to LuckPerms fine, LuckPerms is executing the command, and the issue looks like it's at LP end. I will try an offline server see if I can get it to fault.


Screenshot 2024-02-25 160323



Screenshot 2024-02-25 200758

8/10 times it does it fine.


Have you tried this on an isolated server in order to ensure this is not an external plugin interfering with Luckperms?



This is still happening with 2/10 rankups.


This appears to be fixed. As we use groups/ranks with + within the name, replacing + with plus (so wallaby+ is no wallabyplus) on the backend solved this issue.