Issue with ColoredTags and Luckperms
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Hey there, I need help.
If I add sb in a group (with /lp user xy parent add (works fine!)), ColoredTags only shows up the primarygroup. That's not good for me, because if I want to give sb a temp. permission, the colour of the Name is different to the rank! (Like: temporary moderator (and the primary group is member) it will show the color for the member...)
Can somebody help me or is it possible to fix?
Note: For temporary rangs, I don't want to switch the primarygroup...
Note2: I synced the servers and the user left/joined the server and the colour of the name was identic, but when I change the primarygroup, the colour will change)!
Sorry for advertizing, but this might help you: https://github.com/StoneMain/Shortranks
Okay, thanks, but I have a question. How can I enable/install that plugin and on which server do I have to install it (Bungee/Spigot/both)?
'Cause when I download it from github, I didn't found a Shortranks.jar-file and if I rename the .zip-file to a .jar-file it will error while starting.
Note: If I only write the command into the chat, LuckPerms "register" that command and run the command, but I don't see any Tags in the name, it is only white (ColoredTags is already removed!)
How can I enable/install that plugin and on which server do I have to install it (Bungee/Spigot/both)?
Only for Spigot. Actually Paper is more preferred.
And how to?
Ugh... ./gradlew build
, but here your are.