Bungeecord - Latest builds - Permission data could not be loaded
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Hello, i am having issues with bungeecord edition of the plugin.
Using latest builds
bungeeCord: build #1250
LuckPerms: Build bungeecord-3.2.60
With fresh install, plugin prints out message "permission data could not be loaded. please try later"
No changes in plugin files at all.
No errors at all.
Bungee log - https://gist.github.com/LazosPlaying/9dfc7d42051fb5bcf3d02c1647a892ba
Bungeecord config - https://gist.github.com/LazosPlaying/d3f2b3e06551ac51cdd01e6fc4ae648d
LuckPerms config (default) - https://gist.github.com/LazosPlaying/82d446ef2dfa5b56ae7307939e8e1b79
It is. On every server.
They all work fine (backend servers - spigot platform all)
The only issue is BungeeCord
Check the logs for your backend servers.
If you're being kicked with that error, it's not BungeeCord.
Not being kicked.
Only getting the message in chat.
And it is confirmed it is bungee-side, because the rank that i should have there, it is not set. And my playerdata is not valid (when checking thru console)
Ok, can you post a log file where you actually connect? In the one you posted above, players never actually join.
2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] > User Info: lazosplaying ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - UUID: 6d4a1e9f-d849-476e-bdaa-42ffabe17d2e
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Status: Offline ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Primary Group: default ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Counts: ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Permissions: 2 ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Temporary Permissions: 0 ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Prefixes: 0 ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Suffixes: 0 ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Meta: 0 ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Parent Groups: ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - > default ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Cached Data: ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Has contextual data: false ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Current Contexts: None ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Current Prefix: None ││
│2017-07-31 23:31:24 | [LP] - Current Suffix: None
Also detecting me as offline
Ok, can you post a log file where you actually connect? In the one you posted above, players never actually join.
Is your proxy running in offline mode?
The uuid shown in the command output shows a valid Mojang UUID. (6d4a1e9f-d849-476e-bdaa-42ffabe17d2e
), which would indicate you have some plugin messing with UUIDs.
I'd guess it's your Authentication plugin, or FastLogin maybe?
Please try to reproduce the issue without using these plugins.
Yes correct it is Offline mode (as it is visible in the config file i also included)
LuckPerms loads it's data at LOW
priority, and stores it against a players uuid.
FastLogin then (sometimes) changes this UUID after LuckPerms has loaded its data.
FastLogin should be changing this data before events are even being called. You're going to have to expect incompatibilities when plugins forcefully change data which other plugins depend on.
This is a FastLogin issue, report it to them.