


[Question] Could explain more about set xxx false and unset?

5igm opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello, after I read the wiki, I am still a little confused about the difference between "set xxx false" and "unset xxx".
For example, could you explain more details about the difference between commands "/luckperms group admin permission set minecraft.command.ban false" and "/luckperms group admin permission unset minecraft.command.ban"?


I'm not the dev, but here's my take: 'set false' explicitly denies that permission, while 'unset' is agnostic toward that permission. This is an important distinction, consider a user's inherited permissions:

  • User Alice belongs to group Moderator
  • Group Moderator has permission X
  • User Alice has permission X set to false, so that she still belongs to group Moderator, minus one permission

If Alice instead had that permission 'unset', she would by default inherit permission X, which we don't want her to have. So 'unset' is kind of like 'pass-through' any inherited permissions, while 'set true/false' explicitly sets that permission in that context.


@etskinner Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ‘