LuckPerms doesn't assign Users to a group?
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I had to switch over to LuckPerms, because I need it for BungeeCord. I'm using the latest version (3.2.65) and the permissions are stored on MySQL. But I can't add myself to a freshly created group. I've created the group owner and added all permissions and a prefix. After doing /lp user FleecyTeddy parent set owner it said I would be in the group (/lp group owner listmembers also shows that I'm in the group), but I can't do anything and my prefix is still the default member prefix. Did I do something wrong or is it because the latest version is broken?
Make sure ip-forwarding is set to true in the bungeecord config, as well as bungeecord set to true on your backend servers.
This actually fixed it! :) The prefix is still the default prefix, but that's probably Bungee Chat's fault