Ingame luckperms commands not working
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So i upgraded from v3.2.20 to v3.2.68 just now.
It looks like luckperms ralted commands are not working ingame, when issuing a lp command ingame whilst using a usergroup that has the * permission.
All i get returned is the following: [LP] Running LuckPerms v3.2.68
Other plugins still work fine and issuing lp commands via console also still works.
Running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-5340a52-e1f296d (MC: 1.12.1) (Implementing API version 1.12.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) atm.
I can't reproduce.
Is your server running in offline mode, or are you using BungeeCord?
Yes we are using bungeecord, so our server runs in offline mode, we do use ip forwarding
Can you try using the /lp verbose command to debug which permissions are being checked for.
I'm pretty sure this is an issue with your permissions setup.