hack my server
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this configuration not protect my server
# If the vanilla OP system is enabled. If set to false, all users will be de-opped, and the op/deop commands will be disabled.
enable-ops: false
# If set to true, any user with the permission "luckperms.autoop" will automatically be granted server operator status.
# This permission can be inherited, or set on specific servers/worlds, temporarily, etc.
# Additionally, setting this to true will force the "enable-ops" option above to false. All users will be de-opped unless
# they have the permission node, and the op/deop commands will be disabled.
# It is important to note that this setting is only checked when a player first joins the server, and when they switch
# worlds. Therefore, simply removing this permission from a user will not automatically de-op them. A player needs to
# relog to have the change take effect.
# It is recommended that you use this option instead of assigning a single '*' permission.
auto-op: false
# If opped players should be allowed to use LuckPerms commands. Set to false to only allow users who have the permissions access to the commands
commands-allow-op: false
hacker used:
/pt op <nick>
and hacked my server
you can fix it?
could you add the option which protect commands made in the console? or anything
i not gived anyone operator permissions
hacker join to hub server at me account (not veryfication yet), went to another server, used /pt op nickname, used /lp user nickname group set admin, and have all operator permissions on all servers in this network
to fix, i install onlyproxy plugin on all spigot servers, and BlockServerCMDs on bungee server
i thinking luck perms must protect against this
Luckperms can't prevent console from doing something which console is designed to do. Console has all permissions and not much can be done about that in the slightest.
merj edit: Bugger! I didn't realise my phone was hooked to my personal account xD
i not gived anyone operator permissions
hacker join to hub server at me account (not veryfication yet), went to another server, used /pt op nickname, used /lp user nickname group set admin, and have all operator permissions on all servers in this network
What you're suggesting still wouldn't fix the problem, as they could just use /pt lp user ....
As mentioned 5 years ago, the solution is to make sure people either can't use the powertool or to restrict the allowed commands on it.
The former is done through permissions (which are your responsibility to set up properly) and the latter is done through the EssentialsX config (which is also your responsibility).