Unable to read default minecraft.command nodes
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I have the latest version of spigot and the latest version of luckyperms posted on the spigot site.
My problem is that none of the minecraft.command.* permission nodes are loaded in lp tree and they take no effect when I load them. I still get permission denied.
I have a few pictures, one is showing it's configured in the database, the type of error I get, proof that a minecraft.command.ban permission node is loaded and working, and version numbers of mods I'm using.
All other permission nodes work. Bukkit.* and all permission nodes for any plugin work flawlessly.
I just can't ban, can't gamemode, things like that. Please let me know if I need to handle this another way or if there is a bug. Thank you.
Try using the verbose feature to find out which permissions are checked when running the vanilla commands.
The wiki has a page on verbose and how to use it.