User shows as being offline
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When i try to make a bungeecord command it said i don't have perms, and when i run /lpb user Soreth info it say me i'm offline, i don't know if it's normal.
any error, on all spigot server spigots permissions work but bungee permissions don't work ( can't /alert /server .... )
Make sure you're setting the permission correctly with regard to the per-server permissions on your BungeeCord.
The default server on Bungee is "bungee".
| General |
The name of the server, used for server specific permissions. Set to 'global' to disable.
server: bungee
If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.
If set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global: true
If users on this server should have their global world permissions applied.
If set to false, only world specific permissions will apply for users on this server
include-global-world: true
If users on this server should have global (non-server specific) groups applied
apply-global-groups: true
If users on this server should have global (non-world specific) groups applied
apply-global-world-groups: true
and and console :
19:03:32 [INFOS] [RexxarHunter] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
lpb user info
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] User Sub Commands: (/bperms user ...)
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > info
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > permission
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > parent
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > meta
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > getuuid
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > switchprimarygroup -
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > promote - [server] [world]
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > demote - [server] [world]
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > showtracks
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > bulkchange - <server|world>
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > clear - [server] [world]
lpb user RexxarHunter info
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] > User Info: rexxarhunter
[LP] - UUID: d42c51c5-b5c0-384c-b4dc-96fcc70ca3a9
[LP] - Status: Offline
[LP] - Primary Group: default
[LP] - Counts:
[LP] - Permissions: 1
[LP] - Temporary Permissions: 0
[LP] - Prefixes: 0
[LP] - Suffixes: 0
[LP] - Meta: 0
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - Parent Groups:
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - > default
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - Cached Data:
[LP] - Is Loaded: false
[LP] - Current Contexts: None
[LP] - Current Prefix: None
[LP] - Current Suffix: None