


User shows as being offline

dracnis opened this issue ยท 7 comments


When i try to make a bungeecord command it said i don't have perms, and when i run /lpb user Soreth info it say me i'm offline, i don't know if it's normal.


any error, on all spigot server spigots permissions work but bungee permissions don't work ( can't /alert /server .... )


Any errors in BungeeCords console/logs?



| General |


The name of the server, used for server specific permissions. Set to 'global' to disable.

server: bungee

If users on this server should have their global permissions applied.

If set to false, only server specific permissions will apply for users on this server

include-global: true

If users on this server should have their global world permissions applied.

If set to false, only world specific permissions will apply for users on this server

include-global-world: true

If users on this server should have global (non-server specific) groups applied

apply-global-groups: true

If users on this server should have global (non-world specific) groups applied

apply-global-world-groups: true

and and console :
19:03:32 [INFOS] [RexxarHunter] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected

lpb user info
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] User Sub Commands: (/bperms user ...)
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > info
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > permission
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > parent
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > meta
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > getuuid
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > switchprimarygroup -
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > promote - [server] [world]
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > demote - [server] [world]
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > showtracks
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > bulkchange - <server|world>
19:04:56 [INFOS] [LP] > clear - [server] [world]
lpb user RexxarHunter info
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] > User Info: rexxarhunter
[LP] - UUID: d42c51c5-b5c0-384c-b4dc-96fcc70ca3a9
[LP] - Status: Offline
[LP] - Primary Group: default
[LP] - Counts:
[LP] - Permissions: 1
[LP] - Temporary Permissions: 0
[LP] - Prefixes: 0
[LP] - Suffixes: 0
[LP] - Meta: 0
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - Parent Groups:
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - > default
19:05:17 [INFOS] [LP] - Cached Data:
[LP] - Is Loaded: false
[LP] - Current Contexts: None
[LP] - Current Prefix: None
[LP] - Current Suffix: None


Check your settings for online mode. They're probably incorrect.


online mode is set to true as default


Make sure you're setting the permission correctly with regard to the per-server permissions on your BungeeCord.

The default server on Bungee is "bungee".


Unable to reproduce.

Please make sure you're using the latest version from the CI server, and if the issue prevails, reply with more detailed steps to reproduce the issue. :)