MySQL setup assistance
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What do i need to fill in by Address and where can i find it
You don't even know your own MySQL-adress?
If it's on the same server, like your MC-Server, then you can use
for the localhost-adress...
Only want to know what i need to fill in
Did you create a user AND database for LuckPerms in MySQL?
(I guess you're using PhPMyAdmin?)
Yes i made a database called Luckperms
And a user called localhost with password 12345
Do you use phpMyAdmin?
Then get your nummerical-IP (example: 123.456.7.8) post it in the browser and add /phpmyadmin at the end.
If you get to the loginpage of phpMyAdmin, then you have it on the same server, like your MC-server.
If not, then it probably is on another IP and it can get complicated...
If you're paying someone else to provide your database (a hosting company), I suggest you ask them to help you with this process.
If you're hosting the database yourself, then you should know what the IP address of the machine is. :P
This isn't LuckPerms related, and as such shouldn't be reported as an issue here.
p.s. in future, please try to use slightly more descriptive issue titles ๐