Unable to get user info for offline players.
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LuckPerms dev 358
Yaml database.
You are unable to get user information for offline players.
/lp user <user> info
outputs that the user could not be found. However the user does exist in the user files post migration.
LP doesn't automatically look up users by the name reference in their user file? Having to find what someone's UUID is to get their groups or permissions if they haven't logged in yet seems a bit tedious with large databases.
If they haven't logged on post migration, yes. The export command uses the uuid to ensure nothing dodgy goes on. After they've logged in, you can use their username.
The username already exists in the file though. Why not do a look-up of the name to pull the UUID file? With PEX, you could check user permissions even if they haven't logged into the server as long as they existed in the permissions file.
Set this option to true.
That option is already set to true but I'm not able to look-up players by their name who haven't logged in since migration. Whereas with PEX, it is able to display anyone's info as long as it exists in the permissions file.
# This option only really exists for networks who for whatever reason cannot setup proper ip
# forwarding.
use-server-uuids: true
Oh, sorry my bad, I meant this option: