Group Info Parent Group nuance
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So, I was looking at group info for my admin group. The admin group is parent to four groups. But if you look at group info, it shows that the 4 are parent groups of admin. Am I missing something here? If I am not, shouldn't they appear as child groups and not parent? I honestly just think the wording is bad if so.
"parent group" means, that the group inherits permissions from this group.
This means, that your admin-group inherits permissions from moderator, novanisheffects, bmadmin and essentialsadmin.
That's what "parent groups" means. Groups, that give permissions to this group.
If you want that this 4 groups inherit permissions, you need to use the parent-command at them.
I know what a parent group is... the admin group is the parent of those 4 groups. Therefore it inherits all 4 of those groups permissions unless overridden by the group itself. The wording is weird though as it can make it seem like those 4 groups are the parent of admin.
The wording is weird though as it can make it seem like those 4 groups are the parent of admin.
That makes sense to me, because Parent group = parent of that group = gives all it permission to this group
It isn't any different real life. Our parents give theyr DNA to us...