Connecting Servers / Ranks
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So I have a bungeecord server and I connected everything right but I'm having issues with having the ranks connected across all the servers but still have per-server permissions. So lets say I set my rank to admin on maybe Lobby I would like it to set it on all the other servers. I'm not sure if this is possible and I have searched previous issues for hours. Thanks
The wiki is always a good place to check
unfortunately I checked that page and it doesn’t have anything relating to what I want :(
This is very much possible. You must connect every server to the same MySQL database, then change the server: <name>
to a name that suites the server.
Once that is done, you can then use the server=<server name>
in your commands. So as an example /lp user merjilin parent add member server=skyblock
would add me to the member group, only on the skyblock server.
Same goes for permissions, so /lp group default permission set essentials.back true server=lobby
would give the default group access to /back, only on the lobby
Follow the page I linked step by step and then you have the groups and permissions synced on all servers. Then you can use merjilin's technique to give per Server perms.
@merjilin im pretty new to this so I was wondering if you could explain the steps on setting up the mysql and hooking it to luckperms
You just need to fill out your database info and credentials in the LP config file.
The rest will be setup by the plugin when it loads for the first time.
i dont really know how mysql works but I understand some of it, so do I create a database and set a password or just leave it?
i actually figured it out but i have another problem. Everything is connected to the mysql and when I change my group on one server it changes on the other but when I try to set permissions to server specific like /lp group test set creative, it doesn't work. This is my config on the creative server
Creative Server config:
Lobby Server config:
Doesn't work means what? What's the error message you get?
Also try using lowercase server names.
Doesn’t work means that the permissions I set for the group to do doesn’t work. It’s like I didn’t even give the permission. Also I changed the names to lowercase and I’m still having that issue. By the way I don’t think there is an error message but if there is do I send you the console or the in game message of when I try to perform the command?
I’m just wondering why the permissions aren’t working on the servers even though everything is connected. I connected the two servers Creative and Lobby to the same MySQL database and the ranks are global but the permissions just aren’t working. I’m gonna experiment and report back if anything else happens