permission xxxxx set to undefined in context global
smmmadden opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Could you tell me why I would see the following?
lp user f098c794-f41a-4edd-a536-b638b26b748e permission checkinherits jobs
[LP] smmmadden has permission jobs set to undefined in context global. (inherited from self)
I have two groups (default and owneradmin). OwnerAdmin inherits from default.
I'm using LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.0.18.jar on Spigot Server 1.12.2.
nevermind - I figured out that this means it isn't set to true or false and possibly not set at all. The exact behavior of the permission/command may or may not work depending on the developers "default" value when not set which could be true or false.