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is there a chance that you can make LuckPerms as Mod for Forge?
I love LuckPerms, but i made me a Server with only Forge. And now i only can use mods.
I tested many Permission Plugins and other but LuckPerms is the best.
Yeah, but when i integratet Sponge i get many Errors with different Mods and other things.
Its easyer when i can add a mod, that makes the same think like the plugin.
Is it not a idee for the future? A Mod (Server side only) that make the same?
Easyer to add and you have a bigger range of you PERFECT LuckPerms-Programm/Code
sponge is nice but it need a easyer integration and better plugins, i think.
I tested a Sponge-Server 4 month ago, and we had many problems with the plugins and the Server-Ram.
it needs so many ram, i think