


Global Groups not transferring cross-server on Bungeecord network.

speddoman opened this issue ยท 17 comments


I've been trying to get LuckPerms to successfully transfer my Global Groups across my BungeeCord network.
The MySQL database is setup and all servers connect, and even after making a change on say the 'Hub' server, it will not reflect that on my 'Survival' server even after doing /lp (network)sync.

I look in console and see no errors with LuckPerms as to even hint at what is going on and it is quite frustrating at this point.


How are you setting the permissions? With command? Then did you specify server global as context?


Everything is already in global context since I set it up so I would just have to negate certain permissions for each server. I'm setting permissions via command such as /lp user speddoman promote staff, and it would show this message (view attached)
All is fine and I switch to that group on that server, but when I then switch to my Survival server which is connected via the same MySQL database, it doesn't change.


IP-Forwarding has been enabled on all Spigot servers, and the Bungee proxy.


And even after executing /lp sync on your survival server it doesn't work there?


Have you set up the messaging service?


Also check ip forwarding settings - they're often a cause of issues like this.


Q1: It doesn't work even after doing that,

Q2: I have set it up to use Bungee, I've also installed LuckPerms_Bungee onto the BungeeCord proxy as well.


Please go over the steps detailed at the top of the Network installation page I linked.


They're all connected to a localised database on the dedicated server, and when I do the permission check it does seem to be there on the Survival server then. No errors are in the console, the only problem occurring is that player ranks aren't updating cross-server even though group permissions are.


Please try connecting to the two servers in the network which aren't being synced. On each server, run /lp user <your name> info, and check that the UUID field shows the correct value, and that the plugin correctly identifies you as being online.


Ok, your data seems to be consistent between those servers through?


Yeah, permissions are updating FOR the groups, but the actual Player's groups aren't updating.


Also, I see in the MySQL database, in the luckperms_players section it has me classified as this if it's any help.


When you make changes to a group on one server, if you go to another and run /lp sync followed by /lp group <group> permission info, do the changes you've made show?

Are there any errors in your console?

Are you sure everything is connected to the same database?


No worries - glad you managed to fix it. :)


EDIT: I've just realised what has happened, when I was doing some bulk updating/loading of new content to our servers. That an old config file had made its way onto the upload queue. I've fixed this now, but many thanks for the support.