


user promote and world name spaces

frizzbee30 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


just a quick question, one of the features I'm really keen to use is the promote function (PEX ladders were just broke!)

So as part of a reward system, I want to be able to run the promote command, obviously I could use 'add parent', but promote appears 'tidier' if I can use it.

When testing in survival, I've tried straight promote, which when already having our traveler parent/group, adds them to traveler as a direct group, without world (as was happening before you enabled allow spaces for other commands).

If I try to add context to the command, I get server global-survival, world map, or server-survival, world map, if I add "" around survival map, I get the allowed character error message.

I know the issue is around our horrendous primary world naming (not my doing, and so embedded would now be a nightmare to fix), but is there a way to define our 'survival map', as there was with the groups in my previous query?

If there isn't , then I'll work with add parent, or another way around it etc.

Thanks in advance! :)


Hi, just realised it adds the track to the bottom of the user file with other world testing, thanks and closing


Hi, with a bit more testing that the context is required for multiworld (after it added our prison group direct, then I added the world to update the user profile correctly)

Is there thus a way to get around not being able to add 'global "survival map"' but being able to add 'global prison' as context?

Thanks :)


Could you give me the full command you're using? (also just make sure you're running the latest LP before we go any further)


Hi, while putting together examples, it has let me use "" around survival map,eg lp user promote survivalrank global "survival map", so not sure what happened initially!

Sorry to trouble you, and thanks for the quick response!