


Clear all users from all groups

TrademarkTM opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I've been searching a way to wipe out all my users in my server, and I haven't found a reliable way to do that.

I saw a solution with this:
lp bulkupdate users update permission group.default "permission == group.something"
But it wouldn't work for me because I have 50+ groups, and it'd take an eternity to do that.

Can't you add a new wildcard, for "any" (like *, but using % or something like that)?
Or just a command to wipe out the users?



The bulkupdate command has some placeholders, that you can use for that.

In your case:
lp bulkupdate users update permission group.default "permission == group.%"

% is a placeholder for one or multiple symbols.
See the Bulk Editing page for more infos


Oh, there is already the % symbol I talked about. Sorry.
I'm closing the thread...


It seems not to be working.
I am using: lp bulkupdate users update permission group.default "permission == group.%", and all players keep in the same group.

Tried: lp bulkupdate users delete "permission == %", also without result.

How can I do this correctly? I want to simply RESET all players, all their permissions and all their groups.


This isn't currently possible using the bulkupdate command.

Will keep this ticket open as a reference to that - will try get that added when I get a chance.


In the meantime, it's probably easier for you to delete the data manually. What storage type are you using?


SQLite currently.


Ah okay, not so easy then.

I'll try implement the bulkupdate change asap


Alright, thanks.
Until when do you think you'll be able to add this?


How can I do this correctly? I want to simply RESET all players, all their permissions and all their groups.

Just wanted to check, as this isn't what you asked for in your original request.

To delete all user group memberships, you can use:
lp bulkupdate users delete "permission ~~ group.%"
(this has always worked)

As of the latest commit, you can also use:
lp bulkupdate users delete
which will delete absolutely everything. All users, including their permissions, group membership, prefixes, etc.