


[Suggestion/Help Request] Control over certain groups

VulpusMaximus opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So, I know that PermissionsEX has partially got this feature, but I can't find it on here. Is there a way of making it so can control who is in , but no other groups, and that they can only promote people on a set track? Perhaps even promoting/demoting people to/from a set group on a set track? How much of this is already possible, and if it is not possible, it is my suggestion that it be considered as a new feature.


As context for this, what I want to be able to do is have the group headmod be able to control who is in the groups moderator and trialmod, while headadmin would be able to control who is in the groups admin and senioradmin. If at all possible, headmod could promote people to mod and trialmod and demote them, but not promote them further than moderator, while headadmin would be able to promote people to admin and senioradmin and demote them all the way down to moderator, but no further.

As an example of what the permissions would look like for this:

Headmod: --This would allow headmod to promote people who are trialmod in the staff track. --This one obvious from the previous.
luckyperms.user.parent.trialmod --Would allow headmod to control who is in the group trialmod


Alternatively, allow for promotion/demotion in a specific track, but the user would only be able to promote people to/from groups they have control over, ie.


The above would allow the headmod to promote players along the staff track, but they would only be able to do this to players that are either in the groups trialmod or moderator already, or that would be in these groups if they were promoted/demoted. However, if they attempted to demote an admin, they would be unable to do so even though the demotion for admin is moderator because demoting them would require control over the admin group, which they do not have. Promoting the target from moderator to admin would also not work as it, again, would require control over the admin group that they do not have. If the player targeted is not already staff, this would be fine as it would not affect their membership in the group(s) they are already in.

Following this same example, headadmin would have the permissions:


This would allow headadmin to promote/demote users to a maximum of senioradmin and a minimum of moderator, meaning they would be able to promote moderators to admin, demote admins to moderator and the same for senioradmin, also having the ability to add and remove people straight to the groups they have control over, but be unable to demote people above senioradmin, nor promote people from trialmod or demote people from moderator.


I've just been looking through the closed tickets and I believe that I have found what I am looking for, but I do not know if it would work in this context.



Yep, all of that is possible already :)

Some of the permissions you suggested match the ones which are actually implemented. It's all explained here: