


German translation for LuckPerms(submission)

itsTyrion opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey. So as I already wrote on Spigot(review), I made a de-DE translation, because there didn't seem to be one, I got the time, and I want to help. So I spent like 3 - 3.5 hours on this hopefully not too bad language file.
In case there are typos reported, I tried not to make too many, ofc you can tag me in the issue to fix it.^^

There you got the file, uploaded on my own server, because GitHub doesn't like YAML as attachment ;)


There are some translations which aren't really complete. Example: Line 7 Untercommands should be Unterbefehle. However, it's better to not translate terms like Track, Group or Parent (Elter doesn't even exist).

Also, I detected a das/dass mistake in L13.


Actually, Elter does exist. It's the singular form of Eltern.. like parent and parents.

And I didn't translate some things on purpose, i.e. commands. I will change that though, as well as the grammar mistake in L13
Edit: Fixed


Yeah it exists but it's extremly rare and it sounds very uncommon. How I mentioned before, I wouldn't translate it at all.