[Nukkit] Nemisys & Synapse support
Creeperface01 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Hi, I would like to suggest if you could add support for Nemisys. It's basically proxy like bungeecord (just based on different principle). Nemisys is separate software and SynapseAPI is plugin for Nukkit. Both are located in https://github.com/NukkitX. Nemisys and synapse have support for plugin messaging and in the latest version I added permission support to the proxy. If you decided to add support and found any problem, let me know and I can try to add/fix it.
I don't think this is in scope for the main LuckPerms project at this time.
If such a time comes when Nemisys is used by a significant number of people, then perhaps this can be reconsidered.
I hope you understand my reasoning. :)
I understand. I already tried to do that, so if there is a chance you will accept my PR I can do it :)
Ok nemisys module could be, but at least messaging have to be implemented directly into the nukkit module doesn't it?