


Suggestions : A new perm value and register your plugin in aquifer (paper)'s ressources

aeyu opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi !
I suggest you add on your plugin a new value for perms.
I mean currently perms are enabled (true) or disabled (false).
You should add a value "undefined" that act the same as if you didn't set that perm.

I also suggest you add LuckPerms on Aquifer's Resources's page :
Aquifer is a fork of Spigot.

Thanks for your hardwork, anyway !


You should add a value "undefined" that act the same as if you didn't set that perm.

This exists already internally. The Bukkit permissions API expects a boolean response, so undefined is convered to false when a check is made. (or to true if the player is opped)

I don't really see the benefit of posting it on Aquifer, LP doesn't have any special functionality which works with Paper only, and it's not a Paper specific plugin. It would just be another place I've got to post updates to.