"Similar to" constraint with web editor.
andrewkm opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Not sure if this is possible or not.
I've read the documentation on the wiki and don't believe so, but do correct me if I am wrong.
I am looking for a way to use the "similar to" constraint with the web editor? Have about a hundred groups, with 40-50 being named "main_" and would like the editor to target all groups starting with "main".
/lp group "group ~~ main%" editor
Unsure how this would work if even considered, or if it's something that's already possible.
Cheers for any help :)
It's not possible to do at the moment.
Would be tricky to do like this, the group argument isn't parsed per-command, it's a generic thing, so wouldn't be possible to implement it this way.
I think it's probably out of scope for the project
@BrainStone that has nothing to do with this ticket. =P
@BrainStone the whole reason for this issue is to specifically avoid what you are suggesting lol I think you misunderstand the request ;)