- 9
LuckPerms Bungee Error SLF4J Fail
#2889 opened by Hazugg - 3
User meta issue
#2888 opened by ItsMacs - 1
No response from luckperms on latest version
#2887 opened by Thrasilias - 1
Warning messages (error) / connection problems
#2886 opened by Hazugg - 1
False contexts
#2885 opened by TKDKid1000 - 2
User meta issue, again
#2884 opened by ItsMacs - 4
LuckPerms forgets users
#2883 opened by AaronFrost99 - 2
Strange crash with PlayerRoles
#2882 opened by Niketats - 1
Group displayname colours no longer get formatted
#2881 opened by BehnH - 5
Fabric mod confict with Chunky
#2880 opened by Nidre - 1
Add placeholder support for meta keys
#2879 opened by JustJP2K - 1
BUG placeholders %luckperms_group_expiry_time_<groupname>% after 25d
#2878 opened by SnaiilGaming - 2
add Support for WaterdogPE
#2876 opened by Superzock3003 - 1
Luckperms Fabric Permission List
#2875 opened - 9
[Fabric] Permissions data for user was not loaded during the pre-login stage
#2873 opened by Kikisito - 1
Please delete this
#2872 opened - 2
(MySQL) Database table: players - primary group, not the one being used?
#2871 opened by speed-MikeM - 2
Placeholder time is not parsed properly
#2870 opened by piotrskibapl - 4
Calls to static methods in Java interfaces are prohibited in JVM target 1.6
#2869 opened by Kruemmelspalter - 4
Can't Give all permissions to owner/op
#2866 opened by MrKippo - 1
The %luckperms_group_expiry_time_<groupname>% of PlaceholderAPI cannot be displayed normally when the number of days is greater than 23 days.
#2865 opened by BingYanchi - 6
Dump command
#2863 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
Luck perms not start in my server (1.7.10) - using version legacy for version 1.7.10
#2862 opened by sxdico - 2
Non-threadsafe group data saving using plaintext formats (JSON/YAML)
#2860 opened by PolyacovYury - 1
WebEditor changes do not fire NodeMutateEvent, NodeAddEvent and NodeRemoveEvent
#2857 opened by SaltyAimbOtter - 1
No way to add all permissions.
#2856 opened by MrKippo - 1
User Data Not Loaded During The Pre Login Stage
#2855 opened by MaximumMaxxx - 3
Editing group's properties in web editor.
#2854 opened by khaoniaomamuang - 3
Implement LuckPerms for MinecraftForge
#2852 opened by CKATEPTb - 3
Warning when a player logs in with the same IGN as another player but different UUID.
#2850 opened by brodybeckwith - 4
Luckperms Editor Link Doesn't work
#2849 opened - 4
What is the problem?
#2848 opened by Juiceqad - 2
the bug with death
#2846 opened by Destroyer4ik - 2
My command /lp kicks me from my server
#2845 opened by haloslayser - 2
Issues uploading my backup file (Json file ext)
#2844 opened by Damox - 2
Blank Log Notifications
#2843 opened by benny-conn - 1
Tables not being created when loading plugin on MySQL database.
#2842 opened by UltimateWafflee - 2
Only getting back Version information when trying to execute any luckperms command in the console (Fabric)
#2841 opened - 1
Data too long for column 'permission' at row 1
#2840 opened by MinecraftAdmin - 1
Issue with Pre-login UUIDs
#2839 opened by JezWalmsley - 1
Verbose stops recording/reporting checks
#2838 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
My plugin is not compatible with luckperms??
#2837 opened by QuartzWarrior - 1
#2836 opened - 1
Fabric Servers not loading user data
#2835 opened by MaximumMaxxx - 1
#2834 opened by NathanTheDuck - 4
LuckPerms database issue after vps reboot
#2833 opened by alexcastro1919 - 1
Database issue
#2832 opened - 1
Checking log history causes error
#2831 opened by baailey - 4
PermissionCheckEvent | Ability to Change the permission before checking it
#2830 opened by ohAleee - 1
import command --replace option description is misleading
#2829 opened by BNTFryingPan