- 4
Hover and click in chat doesn't work
#3110 opened by KamosRZ - 1
Make it easier to modify language file
#3111 opened by Strahilchu - 1
Permissions data for your user was not loaded during the pre-login stage - this is likely due to a conflict between CraftBukkit and the online-mode setting. Please check the server console for more information.
#3118 opened by StupidRepo - 3
Delete all users from a specific group
#3112 opened by LucidAPs - 2
Is there a way I can disable web permission editor
#3113 opened by GalaxyGamerYT - 6
Errors on Velocity
#3114 opened by SlimeDog - 1
There's an issue on my server, when I set a prefix to my self or rank all my wolf names get the same prefix before their names
#3115 opened by coolstudiobroyt - 2
Permissions issue...
#3116 opened by axelski - 1
Databse in use Error
#3117 opened by gmitch215 - 6
Server got hacked and hacker got Owner rank
#3119 opened by XDRmc - 3
High ping on gamemode change
#3120 opened by Ynfuien - 5
Add support for bedrock users (GeyserMC)
#3122 opened by Tobi-Jakka - 2
LuckPerms hangs Velocity
#3123 opened by SlimeDog - 2
Memory Leak or just huge allocation?
#3124 opened by LucidAPs - 4
Cannot connect to remote database
#3125 opened by FZDNSZYT - 3
Adaptability with Carpet Mod in Fake Player (/player Steve Spawn): {uuid} - * doesn't currently have data pre-loaded - denying login
#3126 opened by ClementLevi - 0
Click/hover events on chat components do not work on Bukkit 1.17+
#3127 opened by emilyy-dev - 1
PlaceholderAPI Addition
#3128 opened by coopersully - 2
Datapacks do not work with luckperms FABRIC.
#3130 opened by ytcyde - 1
Luckperms mysql having a lot of errors in console
#3132 opened by XDRmc - 11
%luckperms_expiry_time% placeholder not working
#3131 opened - 4
World context ignored after server change
#3133 opened by fgardt - 1
A Crash When loading
#3134 opened by BoxDevelopment - 3
rank colours
#3136 opened by XDRmc - 1
Error Running /lp editor on 1.17.1
#3137 opened by meowsome - 2
Toxic Discord Page
#3138 opened by MCTyler - 1
NullPointerException String.toLowerCase()
#3140 opened by Sandukhan - 1
Empty prefix causes errors
#3139 opened by 3XC4L1B3R - 2
Consider registering API usage with the UserHousekeeper on user get
#3143 opened by kezz - 2
Invalid version in web upload data on Fabric
#3141 opened by benwoo1110 - 1
New placeholder
#3142 opened by D3BoxOfficiel - 1
There are a large number of incorrect translations in, update is requested.
#3144 opened by iillililil - 6
Console error on reload
#3145 opened by justinchidere - 1
`NodeRemoveEvent` not posted when using `set parent`
#3146 opened by drunderscore - 2
Prefixes Not Working
#3147 opened by danielburstein - 1
Не працюе префикс
#3148 opened by ImFoxter - 2
Redis pubsub connection dropped
#3150 opened by weihao - 3
Bulk update Addition
#3151 opened - 3
Indicator in config file for /lp reloadconfig
#3152 opened - 4
Toggle for permission set
#3149 opened by gecko10000 - 1
let perms can work with placeholderapi
#3154 opened by MusicTW - 1
Mysql: No operations allowed after connection closed.
#3155 opened by Akashiic - 1
Cannot open LP Editor
#3156 opened by Dubuyu - 17
Unable to open the web editor
#3157 opened by FZDNSZYT - 2
Unable to communicate with the editor
#3158 opened by ky678 - 1
Error -> Messaging service.
#3159 opened by RiDiCage - 4
#3161 opened by Kirito1786 - 1
A Database error occurred whilst loading permissions data
#3162 opened by Marius8724 - 1
Setting a blank prefix causes LP to not load correctly
#3160 opened by ks-hl - 2
Add placeholders
#3163 opened by PanHaskins