- 1
Wildcards not working after migrating from YAML to MySQL
#3465 opened by PovilasLT - 1
Parameter hints when defocusing the tab suggestion box no longer appear without typing a character
#3460 opened by WiIIiam278 - 2
Console Errors
#3461 opened by Insidi0usAngel - 1
MariaDB not working (error)
#3462 opened by Ariouz - 2
Exception in server tick loop - Forge 41.1.0 LuckPerms 5.4.41
#3463 opened by Codename-11 - 3
getting lag with bukkit luckperms but not with forge
#3478 opened by Xplodin - 2
X butten hitbox is way too small in webeditor
#3466 opened by leonpano2006 - 1
Replace button isn't working
#3467 opened by Deimosssss - 1
Error while starting the server (happens only 30% of the time)
#3468 opened by Nishh - 5
[Forge] Use luckperms when player logout from death cause exception
#3471 opened by Yann151924 - 1
Meta ordering not working
#3479 opened by LuluxClient - 1
Context parsing in commands
#3472 opened by XiaoJie-150 - 7
Support Sponge API 9
#3473 opened by A248 - 2
"Selector not allowed"
#3474 opened by AaleixB - 4
Luckperms Sponge-Forge API8 with SQL cannot unset permissions
#3476 opened by FerrisComplex - 2
Add auto-delete player from the database along with his donation if he did not go n time.
#3475 opened by rejomy - 3
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.List me.lucko.luckperms.common.config.generic.adapter.ConfigurationAdapter.getKeys(java.lang.String, java.util.List)'
#3480 opened by WhiTe-Yak - 2
Exception caught during firing event
#3481 opened by Sblash - 1
Declare a stable module name
#3482 opened by A248 - 5
plugin not workeding
#3492 opened by SirSpagetBoy - 3
#3493 opened by ShockCharge - 1
Thread death with method ExpiringCache.get()
#3483 opened by JIBSIL - 8
silently add user permissions
#3484 opened by aparry91 - 3
Cannot import to mysql database
#3485 opened by My1Legocraft - 1
silent flag for INFO message on permission set
#3486 opened by aparry91 - 2
1.17.10 legacy bootstrap crash
#3487 opened by freedom1b2830 - 3
arclight luckperms
#3488 opened by killer7venom - 2
Error on world change
#3494 opened by LuluxClient - 1
#3495 opened by devilop189gamer - 2
LuckPerms could not load
#3496 opened by monor2233223 - 1
Something Is Stopping LP From Seeing Me Online
#3497 opened by Masterisop - 2
ERROR with Luck Perms | org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: me.lucko.luckperms.common.loader.LoadingException: Unable to load bootstrap class
#3498 opened by Singular11ty - 6
Everytime I run a command, in the console it says LuckPerms isn't enabled and in game, it says an internal error occured.
#3499 opened by GuyInTheAlley - 2
Database problem: Delays, Ping-Drops
#3501 opened by Keendi - 2
if there isn't already, perhaps add a way to set spawns for certain ranks
#3502 opened by GuyInTheAlley - 12
Thread deadlock on Bukkit
#3503 opened by Packsolite - 1
LP Editor Command Erroring
#3506 opened by Optio1 - 1
ranks reset
#3507 opened by Vxrtebs - 5
Something went wrong whilst upgrading the LuckPerms database. Please report this on GitHub. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#3508 opened by gordonchew - 1
Table 'minecraft.luckperms_groups' doesn't exist
#3509 opened by Fairweather-Furry - 3
Server crashes when a player tries to join
#3510 opened by CrazyDev05 - 2
lag and a error in console
#3511 opened by PANTA9988 - 1
when promoting a user, the username must be in all lowercase?
#3512 opened by user4302 - 0
forge spam and crasher
#3513 opened by joaoespanhol - 3
LP dont recognize UUID/Username
#3517 opened by Gamer014277 - 2
Please add support for command block operator @p
#3514 opened by sketrick - 6
Error with RedisBungee Faker
#3516 opened by Lefraudeur - 3
Error logs in console for no reason, luckperms command doesn't work
#3518 opened by Gl0W1E - 1
Lost all ranks after updating
#3520 opened by GamingVexed - 11
Player with "admin" group sometimes gets added to default group without any call
#3522 opened by julian-siebert