- 2
Question about Error
#1767 opened by Royul2k - 2
#1766 opened by rempoll - 6
meta int variable
#1765 opened by chouuul - 3
All player nametags have "1 amanamaguchi owner" attached
#1764 opened by Syrkulous - 1
Luckperms AUTOMATIC changing player groups (?)
#1763 opened by NoFace851 - 1
SUGGESTION: SetTemp for Default Assignments/Rules
#1762 opened by dev-erich - 1
#1761 opened by ImLunaUwU - 1
Prefix Stacking Not Working
#1760 opened by variantLegend - 5
Database Connection
#1759 opened by ECLIP3S - 0
Error when trying to use mariadb
#1758 opened by diamkil - 1
BungeeCord error
#1757 opened by S4MON1X - 2
Error when user tries to join server
#1756 opened by frostdr4gon2 - 4
User parent add not working
#1755 opened by Grandof1 - 3
ERROR MySQL - Hakari
#1754 opened by Ragbecca - 3
losing permissons when logging off or switching worlds
#1753 opened by Castiella - 2
Adding capitalization to group
#1752 opened by CannonPhelps - 1
Migration Stack "error" (Permission Ex migration)
#1751 opened by quorn23 - 1
LuckPerms error?
#1750 opened - 17
Default Group
#1749 opened - 2
Permissions.yml is not updated!
#1748 opened by SadLittleOctopus - 3
Command to add player to multiple groups without changing parent
#1747 opened by Stager83 - 1
Adding Regex to the unset command
#1746 opened by Flavourized - 1
Is it possible for the same world to have multiple aliases?
#1745 opened by k0nker - 1
How to hide suffixes in chat display?
#1744 opened by yro7 - 2
Multiple perm adding
#1743 opened by Arkkanus - 3
I keep getting the disconnect.spam message and get kicked when adding plugins.
#1742 opened by truestcanadian - 1
Autocomplete Doesn't Show up for non op'ed users
#1741 opened by TimmyRB - 1
MongoDB Error
#1740 opened by ramo10101 - 6
New SQL schema
#1739 opened by lucko - 10
Import/export changes
#1738 opened by lucko - 1
Re-implement default assignments as an extension module
#1737 opened by lucko - 1
Feature Request: meta command add
#1736 opened by klugemonkey - 2
[v5] Undo and Redo
#1734 opened by BrainStone - 2
One user always has lag
#1732 opened by SirBlobman - 2
getting error after new update
#1731 opened by Heroynas - 14
I need Help with lp!
#1730 opened by ItzTracer - 1
MYSQL Error please help!!!
#1729 opened by ocelotko - 1
Luck perms MYSQL Error
#1728 opened by ocelotko - 2
Editor css fix
#1727 opened by MNLaugh - 6
Promote via the API
#1726 opened by d1rty-pixel - 8
MySQL Connection Issues
#1725 opened by raikue - 2
MySQL help
#1724 opened - 0
Combining LuckPerms
#1723 opened - 13
permissions wont take affect?
#1722 opened by transdino - 3
Execute Command via Command Block
#1721 opened by imsmn - 2
Setting players rank (position in track) instead of promoting?
#1720 opened by CreeperSlayer523 - 2
Error while loading on bungeecord
#1719 opened by Nosiows - 26
MySQL attempts to connect to a completely different MySQL Server
#1718 opened by DieselJS - 5
how can I set a group for a player using the API plug-in
#1717 opened by muffincolor - 1
How to fix multiple prefixes using luck perms.
#1716 opened by FlareonOCE