


Missing Textures & issue

Jfluffy opened this issue ยท 13 comments


The lumber axes that are made out of metals from other mods such as Bronze, Thaumium and Mana Steel are missing their texture (they appear as a pink and block checkered box) and display their file name stead of the name of the item.


Well.. Thats the first time I have ever heard of axes being auto-generated.

Bronze should work as there is a texture for it. What mod adds the bronze? Perhaps it's just a derp.


That special list that we pull from is quite literally called "materials". Vanilla uses it and very few other mods do thus why I was surprised.

I know for a fact that TiCO, CoFH mods, Thaulmcraft, EnderIO, AE2, Biomes O' Plenty and Extra utils do not add new axes.

Hope we can get this sorted out as it would be nice to see a few new axes out there!


I apologize for the delay in responding. I deleted the build of my compilation of mods that I experienced my original issue with the axes and I can't remember which mod was the one that added bronze.

However, I did some experimenting and found a causal relationship with the extra axes unnamed, untextured axes and the Expanded Armory mod(link to their curse page provided below). I would hypothesize that EArmory looks at the ore dictionary for what weapons exist(thus looking at your axes) to make mod metal version of them.


Hey delays are fine. If we can get it fixed is what matters.

Oredictionary does not apply to tools like that but Lumberjack itself looks for tool materials to make more axes from. I have never seen them be created as the method we use is quite often ignored sadly.

A quick look at Expanded Armory it seems to add some of those materials for the things it adds. I have a slight hunch some of these are not craftable or useable. I will do some testing and see if i can pinpoint why at least the bronze isn't being applied as the texture exists. The rest of them don't have textures. @Morton00000 can help with the textures.


I see, that makes much more sense! So under normal circumstances, if Steel or Bronze is added to the game through a mod, your mod should add lumber axes of those material to the list of axes I can craft?
If so, it doesn't seem to be recognizing the Tinker's Alloy(Bronze) from Thermal Foundation or Steel from Artifice or Railcraft in my testing environment. In my initial environment when I noticed the missing textures, it had a steel lumberaxe (it was named and textured just fine). I'll see if I can recreate that environment tomorrow to see if I can dig up anything that might be helpful for you.


I still can't seem to recreate the instance in which I experience my initial issue with the untextured bronze axe, I also do not recall seeing a copper axe when I had the untextured bronze axe issue. I did however find that the Lumberaxe mod and Metallurgy seem to work well together, albeit lots of missing textures. The Vanilla materials along with the Bronze, Steel, Copper, Silver and Brass axes all were fine in name and texture.

If you're looking for different materials to make axes out of, I think an axe made from the Falling Meteors material would make a great lumberaxe, given that Meteor tools have magnetization automatically on them.

If these mods do not add their metals to this "materials" list, how does a mod like Tinker's Construct know when to have (for example) Thaumium components? Would TiCO have a hard coded boolean which checks to see if Thaumcraft is installed before adding those components?


I can get textures for Metallurgy also if you have a list that are missing. If not i can do it when i have time.

We don't make any axes the mod handles it all on its own. I don't think enchantments pass over.

The materials list isn't necessary you can add things without using it like most people do but it makes adding new types of tools/armour or whatever in harder because now you need to set all your own values for things like durability, harvest level and such..


The axes made out of the following Metallurgy metal are missing textures: Inolashite, Angmallen, Electrum, Mithril, Carmot, Eximite, Celenegil, Ceruclase, Adamantine, Sanguinite, Ignatius, Orichalcum, Tartarite, Desichalkos, Amordrine, Quicksilver, Altarus, Midasium, Vulcanite, Oureclase, Platinum, Prometheum, Vyroxeres, Haderoth, Hepatizon, Kalendrite

I guess it really comes down to if someone goes for a more monolithic or modular approach to what ever material their mod adds. This has certainly been enlightening and I appreciate the information you've provided.


I will send this off to @Morton00000 so we can get them filled in!

Yeah people who deal with just adding in a new item based off other mods could benefit tons from it. Just remember that I might not have explained everything perfectly but i did it to my best of my knowledge.

Keep enjoying our mods and let us know if anything happens!


I have finally been able to recreate two scenarios in which the bronze axe(but also the steel axe as well) is unnamed and untextured using two different mods that add metals, but do not add to the list which your mod pulls from.

Both having D3 Core, Lumberjack, Balkin's Weapon and Expanded Armory
The first combination has CoHF Core & Thermal Foundation
The second being Boilerplate & Steam Craft

The file names seem off as well, in the first combination the bronze axe had the name "" and the steel axe the name "".
Both axes seemed to functioned properly but I think it is safe to say that the problem mod in this case is indeed Expanded Armory.


It is fixed now. It will be up on curseforge in a second.


That's my bad, I'm sorry.

Expanded Armory adds in a bunch of weapons for Balkon's Weaponmod using the stats other mods provide for their Tool Materials and one of the things I found time and time again was that no one ever sets the repair itemstack. That in and of itself isn't too farfetched since for a very long time you could set an item only and not an itemstack, so any mod that used meta values for items kind of just couldn't do it.

In my attempt to make it easier for myself to add in the items and make repairing them slightly easier I opted to instead supply the missing repairItemstack.


Hey at least someone is using the materials properly!

It wasn't necessarily your problem it was just with how things were named. Others could have added prefixes too but this case wasn't caught. It all works fine now :D