Where are we supposed to find the libraries the server needs?
Richard-Rogalski opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Trying to install on a dedicated server, but I need the libraries. The README tells me to grab them from my 'client launcher'. In both Poly and Prism, after clicking the 'open libraries' button it opens and creates a folder but it's empty. There's an instance-agnostic libraries folder, in .local/share/PrismLauncher, but it doesn't contain anything related to lwjgl3.
Is there an alternative way I can find the libraries I need? Where do these libraries come from, surely they're on my client instance somewhere. Or if there's a way to fetch them without a client, that'd work too :D
They're in the libraries
folder where the launcher is installed, not the specific instance. You can also get them from the GTNH server archives, or the source for them in the DAXXL repo: https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/DreamAssemblerXXL/tree/master/server_assets/forge/libraries
ok, looking around in the files in patches, I see URLs that I have to look through in a web browser to find the files I need bcz idk how to do it programatically. like I can wget http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/net/minecraft/launchwrapper/1.15/launchwrapper-1.15.jar
. Thiiiiiiis will take me a while