Magical Forest

Magical Forest


Version-Problem with TerraBlender...

MBelhardi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


while testing your MOD, minecraft stopped loading with the following funny message:

Failure message: Mod magicalforest requires terrablender 1.18.2- or above
Currently, terrablender is

only MODs I used in this test are "TerraBlender-forge-1.18.2-" and "MagicalForest-forge-1.18.2-2.0.3", and not to forget "Forge 40.2.0"
when I use "TerraBlendeer-forge-1.18.2-" (or lower till "") then there are no problems and minecraft starts normal.

EDIT: found another little funny Problem... see the screenshots (Tested with one instance with many mods, so I thougt, incompatibilty with any of the mods but as you can see in the second screenshot, with only MagicalForest and TerraBelnder as installed MODs) its absolutely the same, the magical forest is somewhere under water, at least at this spot. The seed for this is: "645384553566719240" the Position is absolutely the same, as you can see in the screenshots. [Maybe thats why Thaumcraft couldn't come to newer Versions of MineCraft... :) )
2023-02-05_02 22 00
Magical forest clean


Hello. Thanks for the issue. I'll check if TerraBlender did something specific when moving to 1.2.0+ versions. This shouldn't happening at normal, but seems some changes were made and I need to update some codebase first to make it compatible w/ Forge 40.2.0 and TerraBlender 1.2.0+.

As of ocean bug, it was known and it is still an unknown issue. It can be rarely reproduced by me but I still haven't managed make it to stop placing the biome into oceans.

An update will come out soon with various fixes, probably with some also new stuff.