Magical Jewelry

Magical Jewelry


[1.18.2] [ v1.4.2 ] Opening chest and placing item crashes server. - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Cixon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Version: 1.18.2 - v1.4.2
Context: Friend tried to place the magical jewelry necklace item in a chest at his home.
Bug: Server crashes when placing a Magical Jewelry item in a pre-existing chest.


Latest-log (Line 2703)


seems there isnt any server support. just experimented the mod by equipping the modded items via curios and server crashed..


That sounds strange, I have had a private server running for 3 months without any issues. I can see that the crash appear to have been when someone / something equipped one of the items. Which doesn't make sense with the context. I wonder if it's one of your other mods that's causing it. I can see in the log that there's a lot of errors coming from other mods.

Was it a normal vanilla chest, that caused the crash?

Also when you equipped the item and the server crashed, what item were you equipping and how did you get it?