missing cobalt oregen config
dancc7t opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello, i am making a new modpack, which relies on a custom oregen based on biome type, but cobaltite is not included in the config file like the rest of ores, so i cannot disable it and thus it appears in every biome (i want it to spawn only in some dry biomes like savanna), could you please include it in the next version?
what do you mean with i cannot disable it
? it's disable by default and there is no way to enable it.
In fact there is no code to generate cobaltite in the last version:
i have generated it using cofhworld worldgen, it is indeed not generated inside that function, so that means it only spawns on the biomes i whitelisted, which is alright. But i wonder why it got disabled, cobalt is not like copper which is added by +50 other mods, it is an uncommon material i want to use as base for many recipes of my WIP modpack.
Thanks for the info cout970.