Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty

Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty


[Feature Request] KubeJS support

AngellusMortis opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It would be really cool if there was KubeJS support for the mod. That way modpack creators can control when to trigger each new difficultly per player and potentially have support to add custom ones.

Some ideas for how it could be used:

  • Add a new "Peaceful" or "Getting Started" mode where no mobs spawn around a player until they make a metal tool (really great for TerraFirmaCraft since starting out is a bitch if you also have to deal with mobs)
  • Tweak loot drops from mobs / chests / etc. based on what difficultly mode is enabled for the player
  • Integrate with something like Game Stages and trigger new difficultly modes based on the game stage