Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty

Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty


[Suggestion] Easier way to give modded weapons bleeding effect

tehehe22 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I think there should be a config in mod menu that should allow us to add the names of modded weapons to the bleeding effect, it's just odd to use one blade weapon and for it to not cause bleeding over the vanilla weapons


There is a way to add modded weapons on a config list for bleeding effect and you can even customise it of how likely that effect can be triggered. You can ask me about it in discord or here, it can get little confusing.

I'm going to soon post a suggestion for easier way to add modded weapons through a mods item tag, hopefully they consider cuz the method they have for adding support for modded weapons can take a little too long if there are too many weapon with their own names (E.g- simply sword with their legendary weapons).